Way Opening

Dec 20, 2013 23:11

My words have gotten loose finally, I've missed them. In November, I got stuck in my own head and my own worries and everything slowed and didn't work. In the last week, they've started flowing again and oh I've missed them a lot. My Yuletide is over 1000 words, it has no real structure to speak of but there are words there. I'm in the process of applying to be a substitute teacher, my resume is looking better and I'm making plans to go to ALA Midwinter. Also the few holiday cards and presents I'm sending out will be going out soon. I'm sorry I won't able to be send something to everyone but my wallet isn't up for it, but do know I want everyone to have a wonderful new year.

Now for the December Meme, this is my last prompt through I do have two fics I plan to write. Please ask me more and ask me into January or an unspecified date. I love what I'm getting asked and want more reasons to write.

shoroko asked: Favorite movies! At least three, but as many as you want.

Movies are like books for me, there are so many I love but a lot of it shifts depending on what I've watched recently. These are the three that come to mind first and are my current favorite movies and not favorite movies of all time, that's trickier.

Russian Ark: This movie feels like a companion to Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell to me, because its on the edges of time and yet looking at things of certain times. There are stories within it that we never truly know; the narrator and the European, yet we don't need to know their stories to appreciate the movie. Also Russia, I want to go there someday, not at the moment but this year I also read Mastering the Art of Soviet Cooking which is about time and Russia. So going back to this movie made sense to me and its one of those movies that I always see something more in it.

Dead Poet's Society: In my mind because I recently went to the private school in Delaware where it was filmed. I was there for an amazing networking thing so only had a moment to snap three photos with my phone of the courtyard and view onto the river from the movie. But augh, this movie, that I rented from our local video place who's name I don't remember and fell in love. I remember sitting in front of the TV that used to be higher up and crying at, then it was one of the first videos I bought for myself along with Newsies. Its why I adore Walt Whitman and why being a teacher counts to me so much, because I've seen how powerful it is to say to a child, I see you and know you can do more.

Pacific Rim: When I saw this movie in the theaters, I needed it a lot. My past year had been awful but seeing people coming together and caring and fighting, it made me happy. I still have two works in progress that are fusions of Pacific Rim and other canons because it just woke up my imagination. I love how hopeful it is and global, not easy things to manage in a movie. I love it.

Now to end the same way I did with the book posts, ask me tomorrow and the answers might change.

This entry is also posted at http://ceitfianna.dreamwidth.org/409097.html. Please comment wherever you'd like.

holiday, movies, teacher-librarian, yuletide, books, family, writing, finding my way

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