Today I drove my parents out to the
DIA, which is fast becoming one of my favorite places in Detroit. Those of you who follow me on Twitter will have seen some of the pictures I took and I have even more. The thing I love best in a beautiful museum is to wander around and just go where my eye takes me.
At the DIA, there are many rewards in that and then over lunch, my parents and I talked art and Detroit. Since the drive to the DIA is following Woodward Avenue and goes from the sort of suburbs I live in all the way to the city going by parks, abandoned buildings and vibrant museums. Detroit is a beautiful, living and complex city, I look forward to getting to know it better. I was also able to get some holiday shopping done, which makes me happy.
Tonight we're making dinner of cod and roasted fennel and just being together. Tagging will happen here and there but the majority of it will wait until tomorrow when they leave.
In the meantime have a fun meme that's been floating around.
Pick a character* I've written and I will give and explain the top five** ideas/concepts/etc I keep in mind while writing that character that I believe are essential to depicting them.
* Try to make it someone I've written either often (including characters I RP'ed) or recently in order for me to answer.
** May not actually be five.
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