I would like this week to have a few things go right on the first try. The movers were late sending out the online confirmation but that's done. There's a email from the my student loans telling me to go look at a message from them but I don't want to. Last time I did the amount of interest made me want to cry, that will get put off a little longer.
My body keeps feeling off as in having asthma issues that I haven't had in a while. Allergies have rarely made me wheeze, its disturbing and disconcerting, I would like to not fall apart. My ear also seems to have healed, but it feels like it needs more. I also haven't been sleeping properly so I keep having points during the day where my temperature feels off and I just want to fall over and hide for a time. End of body rant and worries.
Meebo messenger's been shut off and I can't find a replacement that will let me get into chat, not even AIM Express which is messed up. I've got a five hour shift today and I'm already feelings a bit out of it, need chat and its wonderful community. So guys, I'm online but can't get into chat.
I'm going to do some meme answers, try to figure out who to do Happy Hour with tonight and maybe even write more on a fic that I should write. Perhaps tomorrow is a good day to go to the movies and hide from the world for a little bit.
Icon meme first.
1. Reply to this post with Dance with me, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
These five icons were chosen by
bjornwilde At one point I started watching Gossip Girl, I think I finished the first season but that was it. I found this icon and I love it as it shows the best of female friendship, two friends just being together.
anthologia made this icon and it feels quite apt for where I am at the moment, looking towards the future and not knowing what's ahead. Its peaceful and beautiful.
I loved Inception and this was by far my favorite scene in it because there was a clear sense of this isn't true reality. I wish honestly that there had been more of this but loved what there was. It was harder than I expected to find an icon of this moment.
This is a scene from the movie Atonement which I'm not a fan of. Its a gorgeous movie with wonderful actors, but I hate, hate the story. If I could have removed the actual plot, I might have liked it better. Its a heartbreaking movie about how a badly thought out and rather selfish choice that destroyed lives and to me that the person who did the wrecking never really got it. The atonement that's supposed to be the payoff felt weak to me. I have a fair amount of icons from this movie for Will as James MacAvoy spends a lot of time in it looking older than his age and hurting. I use this icon for war related things and general sadness.
My mother's originally from Carmel by the Sea so I spent my childhood spending one or two weeks there and visiting my grandmother, aunt, uncle and cousin. I also grew up not far from the Atlantic ocean in Pennsylvania and my parents now live on the Delaware shore. I'm happiest when water is within walking distance for me. I loved that about Wellington, not only was the water right there but the waterfront was someplace I wanted to be. There was the public library and Te Papa and places to sit and watch the world go by. Everything for me feels a little more possible by the water. This icon is my beach, water one.
Now another round of the five topics meme.
Comment to this post saying "FIVE!" and I will pick five things I would like you to talk about. They might make sense or be totally random.
Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself, hopefully for the rest of eternity!
(I don't really care if you say "FIVE" or let me know some other way. Just for the record.)
These five are from
crazyfurries 1. Swords
I fell in love with Robin Hood quite early on and one of my favorite versions was the Errol Flynn one. When I was in middle school and into high school, every summer, I'd try to get to the Pennsylvania Renn Faire. I really wanted to work there if I could but it never happened, but it seemed like the best of all worlds; improv, costumes and neat people. I've dated two fencers who were also involved with stunt fighting and tried to get into a stunt fighting group at Michigan. Sadly grad school meant that I never was able to because I couldn't get the amount of time it deserved. Swords and fencing and that whole realm of martial arts are on my list of I want to learn how to do that.
2. Forge
Thanks to Sameth, I've learned a quite a bit about forgework, which has been a treat. My father does woodcarving but I love the idea of transforming something that's part of working with metal. When I was in high school, I took a shop class where we learned to do some metalworking. I remember the piece I was trying to mold didn't work somehow and fell apart, which was horribly disappointing. Its a kind of creation that I'd like to learn more of as well.
3. A cool afternoon
I'm going to interpret this as my favorite way to spend an afternoon. Going for a walk in an interesting place with shops to peek into, a park or water to rest your feet by when the day is long and lovely cafes, someone great to walk with who will seen different things and at the end of the day more conversation.
4. Garden of your mind
I think you meant garden of your mind, which is a glorious phrase. Its not one I use a lot but I love the idea of tending to yourself so that you can flourish. Figure out where you have weeds and tend them.
5. Magic
I believe in magic and that we can't understand all that happens around us. It's not something I talk about a lot as I don't always feel comfortable, but that belief is there. Instead I love writing in worlds with magic from magic is the world like the Old Kingdom to magic that's just out of the corner of your eye like in Changeling: the Dreaming. The reason I love urban fantasy and especially Charles De Lint's world is because that's the kind of magic that feels right to me. Changeling: the Dreaming is just the only game I know that's captured that well, which is why I love playing Tiwa so much. She lets me go into that world.
Now all this writing has been feeling a little more even keeled and now to plot who will do Happy Hour in Milliways.
This entry is also posted at
http://ceitfianna.dreamwidth.org/345823.html. Please comment wherever you'd like.