I slept badly last night and I realized why when I woke up and the power flickered a few times and went out. That was at about 1:30 pm and apparently I'm one of about 300,000 Michigan people out of power. My electric company's website is really unhelpful at this point because its such a big power outage that they can't give specifics for various areas. They also just don't have the best website out there. The second movers stopped by but he couldn't calculate the estimate without power, so I'm waiting on an email from him about that.
I went and bought a clever flashlight that claims to do spotlight and roomlight at 826 Michigan, Robot Supply and Repair and promptly lost one of the batteries on the way home. So I did what I was planning and drove out to the shopping center with Barnes and Noble, there's also a Walgreens so I have batteries and one of those handfans that you put water into. Its not a lot but it should hold me.
Barnes and Noble is open until 9 pm and I'm happy to keep paying them to let me sit here though its annoying that they don't have that many outlets though they do have good tables.
the_croupier, if you have power, give me a call since I'm all set to not spend a night at home if that's what I need to do. For the rest of the weekend, I figure I'll just be spending more time on campus than normal as I know the AC is powerful in the libraries.
Apologies ahead of time if I'm grumpy or snap at you, this wasn't what I planned on for today and the moving guy was terse. I think that's mainly due to the power outages but it didn't start my day off in a good way.
I'm going to try and keep positive and possibly sleep earlier. Think power thoughts towards Michigan, please and that the next round of storms doesn't cause more trouble.
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