A little off

May 25, 2012 16:29

One reason I decided that I never wanted to work back to back closing shifts was because of how it completely messed up my sleep schedule the first summer I did it. Due to doing some trading to get to interviews, I had to do it this week, Wednesday and Thursday nights I didn't get home until about 12:25 and sleep came far later. Last night it was even worse than usual, I think I might have slept by about 5 am and then I woke up at 8 am, I even got out of bed and was picking out my clothes before I really looked at the clock. Then I was able to sleep a little more until a little after 10 am, the school in Ohio called to say they went with someone else, but they did tell me I was very gracious. I'm oddly impressed with myself as I wasn't that awake when I spoke to them, but I've always been good on the phone. Then I managed a little more sleep but I spent the night grinding my teeth and so woke up with my jaw feeling sore, not terribly rested and grumpy.

yakalskovich, this is why I wasn't that happy to be greeted with random RP squeeing when I was pinged.

The weather has also set in for summer and is hot and gross, but I had Thai iced tea with lunch and am reading an amazing book by Lindsey Davis about Vespasian. Tonight after work I'm going to call my very best friend and then I have a long weekend.

Life is feeling long at the moment, but things have been accomplished this week. I haven't missed a shift, I wrote a librarian blog post: Where I fit as a librarian: not either/or but and. I'm quite proud of it as a lot of those thoughts have been sloshing around in my head since I started doing these interviews and it felt nice to write them.

I have a wonderful new iPhone that I'm enjoying and I'm going to actually start spending my tax refund. It's this weird thing where I'm used to watching every penny so I'm careful about a book here, a movie here, groceries bills that when I have a good chunk, I sort of want to hold it. Which to me feels silly, so my plan is upgrade LibraryThing-add in all my books, get myself a proper massage, wander around Barnes and Noble and Dawn Treader and buy books, buy apps and books for my iPhone and remind myself that I will find a job. I'm also trying to get up the nerve to go bug the bank again, I was going to do that today before work, but honestly don't have the energy.

Now I'm going to go play around in wonderful FridayFic prompts and fantastic tags and feel better.

This entry is also posted at http://ceitfianna.dreamwidth.org/338629.html. Please comment wherever you'd like.

money sucks, jobs, books, library thing, health, weather is strange, other blog, writing, finding my way, michigan, mac in my life

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