Caught by a gust

May 01, 2012 20:06

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): "My father-in-law was convinced that his
sheepdogs picked up his thoughts telepathically," writes Richard Webster
in his article "Psychic Animals. "He needed only to think what he wanted
his dogs to do, and they would immediately do it. He had to be careful
not to think too far ahead, as his dogs would act on the thought he was
thinking at the time." To this I'd add that there is a wealth of other
anecdotal evidence, as well as some scientific research, suggesting that
dogs respond to unspoken commands. I happen to believe that the human
animal is also capable of picking up thoughts that aren't said aloud. And I
suspect that you're in a phase when it will be especially important to take
that into account. Be discerning about what you imagine, because it could
end up in the mind of someone you know!

Another entry for me today as since the last one, life keeps happening. First off if you got a Twitter DM from me about rumors, delete it and don't follow the link. It's a sneaky phishing attempt and I was stupid and got caught before I went and changed my password. I'm terribly sorry for all the confusion. At least there doesn't seem to be a virus attached as I did a virus scan and nothing came up. I should have known better but the DM came from an unexpected source and confused me. Be careful and sorry.

Now for this horoscope, it makes me go, Uncle Rob, please stop being so apt. You see that today I got an email from another school and have a phone interview tomorrow at 2 pm. Something has changed in my job world and it just makes me blink in amazement in terms of what might be possible. I'm trying to carefully not think any wishes too hard as I don't want to make anything go wrong, but it's rather amazing nonetheless.

Now to share my current good mood, I'm going to snag a prompt meme that I've always liked from

Tell me about a story I haven't written, and I'll give you between one and three sentences from that story.

This entry is also posted at Please comment wherever you'd like.

prompts, i want to be a librarian, twitter, horoscopes, finding my way, jobs

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