Good Days

Mar 01, 2012 19:21

My break is going along wonderfully well. I just apped
balancingminds over on
milliways_bar and the thought of getting to play him there just makes me happy. This weekend, I'm going to put up an EP with him and possibly some others over in the sandboxes as they've been getting rather ignored in favor of Allpocalypse and aftermath.

Now I have this rather bad habit of not emptying my digital camera often enough so the current 100 plus images on it are from as far back as Christmas. Since I have a few shots I rather like, this is going to be a rather photo heavy post just mainly under the cut.

When that photograph something meme was going around,
dodger_sister said How about a photograph of books (bet it will look very artistic) and
maybe the next time it snows, a picture of that (your snow pictures
always look so pretty). So for her, I have snow from a few different times and a picture of some of my bookshelves. I want to do more shots of them and maybe submit a good one to

Consider this post a place as well to ask me to photograph stuff in my life for you as I adore taking pictures but am bad at sharing them.

My walking iris which bloomed yesterday. I adore this plant and for me, it's one of the true harbringers of Spring.

My Classics' bookshelf and cards, if you have ever sent me a greeting card, it's probably decorating one of my shelves.

A frozen leaf in West Park, which is down the hill from where I live.

Snow and shadows between Hatcher and Shapiro libraries on campus.

A few of my father's sculptures on the porch and in the main room of my parent's house this holiday season.

The fire pit and lights in the back yard of my parent's place where on New Year's Eve, there were s'mores with my nieces and brother and his wife. It was cold and fun.

Cape Henlopen park being beautiful during the holidays.

And last of all, the sign for the Michigan theater looking mysterious in the fog.

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making a home, meme, holiday, milliways, charles xavier, books, roleplaying, family, pictures, panfandomsandbox, michigan

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