7 Questions-Round 2

Feb 17, 2012 09:43

My morning started off strange, I lost another right contact lens, which always leaves me off. I like wearing contacts but there are times I hate putting them on especially when I don't wake up when I wanted to. I'm still working on the Valentine's Day prompts and hope to post them this weekend as I have ideas and want them to be good.

Everything at Milliways is making me feel busy and happen. I love when plots come together and I get chances to have wonderful unexpected threads and to see what happens. There's a decent sized list of housekeeping of journals that I have to do in terms of OOMs and paid accounts but those will get done.

For now I'm going to do another round of this new variation on the question meme:

Comment to this post, and I will list seven things I want you to talk about. They might make sense or they might be totally random.
Then post that list, with your commentary, to your journal. Other people can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

Seven questions from

1) Favorite song of the moment?
Jakob Dylan This End of the Telescope, I actually love all of his songs but this one keeps getting stuck in my head.

2) Why do you like James McAvoy so much?
I don't have a terribly rational answer for this one. I became aware of him due to using him as Will's PB and then he started appearing in lots of movies that I really liked. Since then he's an actor that I'm always looking out for and love seeing him praised as he seems like not only a good actor but a nice guy. Every interview I've ever seen with him, he looks so happy to be an actor and I adore his Scottish accent. I've yet to see everything he's been in but I've watched a lot of his stuff and he makes good choices as an actor as well.

3) What drew you to New Zealand? Do you want to go back?
This is a two part answer. The first part is easy-Lord of the Rings, the movies were coming out and I was thinking about going abroad and went ooh. The second part was that New Zealand in about 2003-4 changed its visa agreement with the US so suddenly it was easier for me to spend a year working there. Australia only gives US citizens visas for four months which was not long enough. I wanted to spend a year living and working on my own in another country. New Zealand made that possible. Yes, I want to go back. It's a place where I feel comfortable, the first place I lived where I supported myself and felt like an adult, it's beautiful and the people are wonderful.

4) Favorite thing about the Robin Hood mythos?
I think the fact that it's still around and still being rethought and changed. In terms of specifics, I adore that at its heart, its a story of friends trying to fix their home and a lot of the adventures are about understanding the balances of friendships. This is why Will and Little John are probably my two favorite characters as their stories are about finding out how to care for each other.

5) What do you like most about being a librarian?
Helping someone find exactly what they need and seeing that moment of oh, yes, that's it. It's the best feeling.

6) Any big plans for after the Milliways move?
Move Sameth and Jane past some canon stuck spots. The move gives me a great opportunity to just give them both a nudge that will open up more options with them.

7) Is there a canon you'd like to play in but don't? Why?
The Vorkosigan series, this is one of my favorite book series to read and reread and I love it, but I'd feel rather intimidated to play in it. First off because the current player in it
batyatoon is amazing, but also I'm not sure who I'd play. The two characters that are very much my type are Gregor and Ivan, who are different ends of the spectrum and and I don't know where it would make sense to bring them in. As a corollary, I'd also love to play Charles in Bar but someone else has him and I'm sandboxing him so really I am playing him.

Questions from

1. What is your favorite thing to do when it's cold and wet out?
Get a big mug of tea, a good book and ignore the world.

2. When you're stressed, what relaxes you?
Venting, a good vent clears the air for me. Then I do something that has nothing to do with why I'm stressed but gets me moving. I find cooking can be one of my best stress relievers as it involves chopping, stirring, considering spices and by the time I'm done, I'm past what's bothering me. Other times going on a walk or a drive, just getting out of being in the space where I'm stressed does wonders for me. Whenever I'm stressed, I have this bad habit of overthinking and creating bad thought spirals so getting myself to do something physical short circuits them.

3. Do you believe in ghosts or anything paranormal?
I do, but I don't tend to talk about them a lot. My mother and I both read the tarot and see omens and answers in the not most obvious places. My father is a scientist so we don't really discuss those things too much with him, but I do believe that there's more out there than what's visible.

4. What's one thing you want to do or learn, but haven't yet?
It's hard to pick just one thing for this. I want to learn Tai Chi and a new type of dance for me.

5. What types of music do you gravitate towards?
Music that tells stories. I have a rather large collection of country music because I liked it when I was younger due to the stories. Now I also listen to folk, alternative and really anything with a story that clicks with me. Also music that I can move to, I adore Baroque music, soundtracks and musicals as there's a sense in them of this music wants you to be active.

6. If you could have three wishes, with let's assume no perverse incentives/loophole-seeking genies, what would the wishes be?
1-A job at a public library that's not too far from people I know where I get to spend my days getting kids excited about books.
2-A guy in my life who just wants to be with me.
3-Money to take an amazing US road trip or a trip around Europe.

7. Are you a dog person, cat person, or another kind of person entirely?
Cat person. I grew up with cats and whenever I get to visit someone with cats, I feel really happy. Though I'd consider myself a dog aunt as I love to see them when I don't have to take care of them full time.

This entry is also posted at http://ceitfianna.dreamwidth.org/326234.html. Please comment wherever you'd like.

i want to be a librarian, tarot, music, movies, someday i'll have a sexlife, milliways, james mcavoy, jane, charles xavier, books, new zealand, tea, sameth, will, robin hood

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