My Linksys' wireless doesn't like Macs and I'm trying to sneak around it. So far I've been reading long and helpful things all over the net but none of them seem quite right. My mom tried to access the wi fi with her iPod Touch and even with the right password wasn't let on,
the_croupier couldn't get on with his Mac yet PCs connect.
Before I go calling Comcast, Linksys or Apple, I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Currently my lovely new laptop is attached to the wireless through a cord and I've yet to try it on other wifis but I plan on doing that tomorrow. I'd rather not carry it around with me today as I have a late shift, but tomorrow I can test it.
I'd appreciate any suggestions as this is annoying and I can work around it but I'd like to enjoy the fact that my new laptop is small and I can sit on the couch with it.