Checking Things Off and Finds

Apr 21, 2011 22:20

Today went pretty well even though it started off rather bumpy. I woke up at the right time and then went back to sleep and woke up right when I was meant to be at work. Since I drive to work it was fine and I finished all the things I needed to. I'll go back to America Reads next week to wrap some things up, but I'm pretty much done there.

It was sunny today and after work, I drove out to Borders and was able to snag a Deathly Hallows DVD and the newest novel by Catherynne Valente. I probably spent more than I should have but I've heard great things about this novel and I didn't have a coupon so I just went with it.

Then I came home and finished up one last blog post on my wordpress blog for my Professional Practice class. Now that class is completely done, which is a nice feeling. I meant to do some writing on my Milliways' paper but it hasn't happened. I have all the ideas in my head, they just need to get on paper. Thank you so much to everyone who's taken the time to fill out the survey. Tomorrow at work in the morning, I'm going to try and do some writing. My part of my group presentation for Tuesday is looking good, I just need to get my self-evaluation done at some point.

Also I got my summer work schedule and its really nice, work early Sunday evening, class Monday afternoon, work Tuesday night, work Wednesday early afternoon and then done. That will leave me a couple of days to myself. I'm trying to pick either a class or a routine to try during the summer, maybe couch to 3K or try one of the many dance/yoga studios around me. Its a nice thing to plan.

In the meantime, here's a nice little meme that's been going around my flist. Last seen on mm_spinelstar and viridian.

Give me a character and I will tell you...

* How I FEEEEEL about this character
* All the people I ship romantically with this character
* My non-romantic OTP for this character -
* My unpopular opinion about this character
* One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.

All my characters can be found over in my profile here and if you're curious about a canon you know I like, just ask.

meme, summer plans, movies, harry potter, masters, jobs, books, roleplaying, finding my way, michigan

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