27 Questions and a Day Off

Sep 23, 2010 13:20

I think I have defeated whatever cold was trying to get me. I slept nice and late after waking up at 8 am as my body went, but I thought there was class. Now I feel pretty much healthy and so I'm going to do this meme that's floating around. Last seen over on mmexlibris.

01. Your middle name, or explain your chosen name: My middle name is Romayne and it was my grandmother on my mother's side first name. I love it so much and wish I could do with it. It means From Rome in French.

02. Mental age: I have no idea, anything from 15 when I squee at a book to 29 when I'm feeling responsible and worn out.

03. Single or in a relationship: Single, but I miss being in a relationship. I'm such a serial monogamist, so I have no idea how to start dating.

04. Favorite book: This is hard, I could do favorite authors maybe. At the moment Diana Wynne Jones is the one I always come back to. Currently I'm reading Guardian of the Dead, a lovely New Zealand YA novel and it makes me smile.

05. Favorite song or album: Jakob Dylan and his Women and Country album keeps going through my head.

06. What do you believe is your calling in life? To help inspire a love of reading and writing in others.

07. What's your worst recurring nightmare/biggest fear? My worst nightmares are anxiety dreams about missing things and not fitting in. I tend to get them right around the time when the semester starts up, it doesn't matter how old I am, they always come around.

08. Faith, have you any? And if so, what, and if not, why not? Yes, I was raised as a Quaker and its how I identify myself. I haven't attended meeting in far too long, but I really connect with the idea that we all have a divine spark within us and that God is everywhere.

09. Do you know your LJ friends outside of LJ? Oh yes, I got into Milliways through a friend from college, I'm in the graduate program I'm in due to an LJ friend and I hope to keep meeting more amazing LJ friends.

10. What's your philosophy on life? Be gentle with yourself and others, we're all just trying to find out way through.

11. Is the bottle half-full or half-empty? I don't care, let's share it out.

12. Would you tell me something painful if it was in my best interest? I think I would, but I'd try and find a diplomatic way to let you know. Since I don't want to hurt you, but to help you.

13. What is your favorite memory? Spending time with my nieces and walking by the waterfront in Wellington.

14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure? Watching TV especially reality TV.

15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I was once tossed off a teeter-totter and landed on my chin. I still can't get on them without freaking out a little bit.

16. If you could have three wishes, what would they be? A job I love after I finish this program, a job that she loves for my sister, and to meet someone who makes me smile.

17. What is your favorite food? This is really tricky, I love to eat so much. Chocolate in any form.

18. Which country is your spiritual home? I'm not sure. I've traveled but home to me ends up being the East Coast of the US.

19. What is your biggest weakness? Letting people down, that's why my masters in New Zealand was so hard. To say writing this thesis is unhealthy terrified me, because I felt I was letting so many people down.

20. Do you think you are a good person? I think I do my best, but I"m not sure if its enough.

21. What was your best/favorite subject at school? English, though I had some teachers that almost made me change my mind.

22. Describe your accent: Pretty basic East Coast though I do use a lot of New Zealand slang.

23. If you could change anything about yourself, would you? I'd figure out how to lose some of this extra weight or turn off the part of my brain that worries so much about it.

24. What do you wear to sleep? A big Serenity T-shirt, but I need to get a new sleep shirt. That one has a big hole in the armpit.

25. Gender identity? Female.

26. Affectionate/sexual orientation? Heterosexual

27. If you only had one day to live, what would you do? Gather as many friends and family together as possible, get good food and a beautiful place to be and spend the day talking and being with each other.

east coaster at heart, i want to be a librarian, meme, music, someday i'll have a sexlife, jobs, books, family, new zealand, dreams, quaker, health, michigan

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