Today is a Monday

Mar 30, 2010 01:25

Work took far too long and I didn't get as much done as I wanted to so I'm not going to think about it.

Instead I'm going to do a meme from walksbyherself, What are you pups like in the sack?

Will Scarlett

Will is incredibly sweet and passionate in bed since he knows that he might easily die. With Kate, he's careful and tries to make her happy but he does let go in a wonderful way since he's a passionate man. He's also so loyal its crazy, if he's with you, he isn't with anyone else.


Surprisingly Sam is rather quiet in bed since he's unsure of himself and that bleeds through. So he's constantly checking with Kait and does what she tells him. He kind of can't believe that she's with him and he doesn't want to lose her. Yet he's also a teenage boy so there are times when he gets a little lost.

Tumnus isn't playing because it breaks my brain.

The Pirate King

Oh the Pirate King is passionate and doesn't like strings attached, he just wants to live hugely in the moment and I have a feeling that he actually pays attention to the woman he's with. Its just that everything is kind of over the top in a fun way.

Moist von Lipwig

I think that Moist is someone who doesn't sleep with that many people because he knows that's a good way to get caught yet I can't see him not doing anything. I have a feeling that when he does sleep with someone, its indulging himself and he's careful and probably rather fun just never fully unguarded.


Demeter is thoughtful, passionate and incredibly sensual in bed with incredible stamina. She's willing to try most things and for her sex is a way to celebrate life and she doesn't tend to have any strings attached. Though she might watch out for you afterwards if she thinks you need it.

Jane Austen

I think that Jane is actually curious and willing to take charge and try new things because she wants to understand and enjoy herself. I think I might need to write smut of her and Tom because they fascinate me and I'm not sure how they would work and I think they would both try and figure things out.


I must write something here that probably sounds quite weird, but I've written fic of Tiwa having sex and she does it joyful and with a lot of laughter. She wouldn't mind awkward but she wants to feel alive and is like Demeter that way. Though she's quite loyal and hasn't had sex yet, but she wants to and when the right moment and guy comes along, she will. What's interesting is I know that she has at least two in mind that she trusts to have as her first time, she just hasn't told them yet.

This reminds me that I really need to ask the guy that I like out and this helps a bit of my tenseness. The end of this semester is going to be long and crazy but I can do it.

meme, someday i'll have a sexlife, moist, tumnus, tiwa, jane, roleplaying, the pirate king, romance, demeter, sameth, will

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