Endings and Beginnings

Jun 18, 2009 17:04

I just sorted through a car's worth of clothing and other random things that have been in my brother's garage for about two years and some even longer. A lot of the clothing hurt a bit to look at and realize wow I was that skinny but other things I tried on and went oh you still fit.

I found a tweed hat that I bought in Dublin which I thought I'd lost years ago which is only a little bent. Also I found my favorite summer dress that I have loved for oh so many years and it still makes me feel beautiful.

So there were lots of discoveries and a number of things that are going to be passed on so they can make someone else feel beautiful. There are a few things that I'm saving because they make me happy.

Though all that sorting means my ankle's hurting a bit more but the car is cleared out, getting everything out is done, later there will be moving the stuff that's saved upstairs but not at the moment.

This is the start of a transformation as I move forward to a place which is going to help me find ways to actually do the kind of job I love and also be also in an environment where I can get myself sorted out. I think I've been stuck for so long that it took a bit to start getting out of the mire but I'm shaking it off my feet and heading head long into the future.

shaping up, being a woman today, michigan, finding my way, clothes

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