... I'm taking a brief break from NaNo to watch Supernatural.
...is all I have to say.
eta: Okay, I lied.
Grey's Anatomy, skldjfsldkfsd. And Dean sure does seem to like Dr. McSexy. XD
"Mr. Trickster does not like pretty boy angels."
That question Dean answered, ouch.
"I've got genital herpes." Haha, I though that was a real commercial. XD
Also, didn't Sam get clap in the last episode? Are the writers trying to tell us something?
Damn, poor Castiel is getting roughed up.
Hahaha, is this one supposed to be CSI?
Omg, why is Sam a car? "Satan's gonna ride his ass one way or another."
Ooooooooooooooooo, it's Gabriel!
Wait, was the Trickster always Gabriel? <--confused
"Hahaha, you do not know my family."
Huh, so they're making the Michael/Lucifer thing a direct parallel?
He was always the Trickster.
(on the one hand, I think this is an interesting twist, and it gives a newly introduced angel a very detailed character right off the bat, but on the other, I'm not sure how much I like how everything is becoming a part of the Judeo-Christian tradition.)
"How's the search for daddy going? Let me guess - awful."
Wonder what that look between Cas and Gabe was about.
And he's totally a Gabe.
Huh, that was 4 minutes short.
The preview for next week - ...oh, they are not going there. Was that the crazy fangirl and a pair of not!Winchesters? Tell me they are not going there. D:
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