So, uh. I signed up for NaNoWriMo.
I always wanted to write when I was a kid. In my middle school year book, three different teachers wrote that I was, "Most Likely To Become a Published Author," which really did some amazing things to my thirteen year old ego, let me tell you.
But then I moved to South Florida, where upon I became very bitter and unhappy. I started to see writing as just one more thing I had left behind, part of a life I couldn't get back. I got very involved in Guard, so much so that it ate up my entire life for three whole years. If I wasn't practicing, then I was sleeping or going to class (where I slept some more).
Then there was college, and it was a struggle to even find time to sleep when I wasn't writing 20 page research papers on how, despite modern disdain, the practice of alchemy in early modern Europe was an integral part of scientific history that ushered in the Enlightenment; or learning how the structural differences of the corpus callosum and the anterior commissure between the sexes may possibly affect gender differences and/or sexual orientation (answer: no one has a freaking clue if they really do either of those things at all. thank you, physiological psychology.)
And now here I am- out of college, back at home, and putting off taking the LSAT so I can finally take a break from life. For the next year or two I want to figure out what I really want to do, what makes me happy- because at this point, I'm not really sure I know. I've grown a lot, but sometimes I think I may be happier if I just go back to my roots, back to being the quiet nerd who likes to read while walking through hallways and who always has a notebook to scribble in when an idea strikes.
So, I'll do NaNo. I'll get back in the habit of writing every day and maybe I can relight the proverbial spark.
I work best under pressure, anyway. XD