I need beer.

Aug 31, 2005 00:07

Ok, so it's amazing how good food can be when you don't have much around. For example:

Today a roommate's friend, upon leaving, stated that they were leaving an apple behind if anyone wanted it. I'm like Heck yeah I want that apple!. Until now, I would only eat apples if someone quartered them, cored them, sliced off the skin, and cut them into small pieces for me. I think that means I've never actually had an apple. I ate it (a "granny smith". See how much I already know about apples!) skin and all. I'm not even sure I washed it. I don't care how many mexicans touched it. It was awesome.
I washed down the apple with some out-of-season hot-chocolate, stolen from the same roomate with the friend. This is why it's awesome to have friends, roommates, and roommates with friends.
Even though it's 80 degrees, hot chocolate gets hot enough to kill whatever is in the tap water, which I trust more than our questionable Brita picther. So until the federal $$ gets here, I'll be drinking year-old hot chocolate, soda pop, and coffee from the AWP pot. (What is pretty cool about living in DC is that federal money is delivered to your doorstep by one of these guys.)

It's not that I can't buy food, it's that books are very important right now. So important that they fill two pages of just one of my syllabi (this particular syllabus is 25 pages long, front and back).
I love going to a real school again.
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