(no subject)

May 18, 2007 23:52

I recently realised that I have only seen American Beauty once, and that was about six years ago. Obviously, I must rectify this situation. Anyone else want to come and see it at Film Unit on Sunday?

I've been having problems with sleeping recently. I keep accidentally falling asleep in the evening, or sometimes even in the middle of the day. I'm generally asleep for an hour or two, and this completely throws off my sense of time, and makes it hard to me to focus later on, since I feel all dozy (though not tired). Not to mention that if I fall asleep at around ten and wake up at midnight, this makes it hard to sleep at a normal time. You'd think that I would require less sleep at night, so it wouldn't make much of a difference, but I'm still sleeping as much at night, sometimes more. I may be getting over ten hours of sleep sometimes, even though it doesn't feel like it.

I know it's a pretty trivial thing to be complaining about, particularly when a few people reading this have suffered from insomnia, but it's still irritating. Quite often I plan to get stuff done, and then I just lose the whole afternoon because I dropped off around two, and feel headachey and slow afterwards. At least I've stayed awake today.

Talking about getting stuff done, I haven't. My brain still refuses to switch into Revision Mode, though I have finally written up all my notes in revision form, and I've stuck up a couple of sheets of theorems and definitions I need to know. I'm slowly starting to understand fluid mechanics, even though I hate mechanics at the best of times. Can't wait until I get to do all Pure next year.

But anyway, there have only been a couple of days when I've managed to get any kind of work done. And considering that I've had practically two weeks free so far, that's not a particularly good record. It doesn't help that when I have paper strewn all over my desk, my cat Zurmalo decides that that's the best space for him to sunbathe. Right now he's lying on the floor, but that's only because he knows I'm not doing anything important enough for him to interrupt.

Also, I need to start thinking about getting a Summer Job. Well, I've started thinking about it already. What I really need to do is start looking. I just don't know how soon I should start. I don't want to disrupt my revision, but if I start looking too late I don't know how many jobs would still be available.

I should probably stop rambling now.
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