Oct 01, 2004 15:12
So I have spent the whole day cleaning and this is going to be a rant because I'm in the mood to. When in the hell do I get a day off? I have not had a true "Day Off" since I became a mother 2 years ago. Yes I know I'm a SAHM and this is my job but WTF! Zack gets his days off and I don't bother him. He tells me he works and that is his job so when he has a day off he would like to relax. Um he works freaking intel. He sits on his ass all day anyway. My JOB is 24/7, it never ends. I think I am PMSing here so please bear with me. I normally don't flip my lid, but I guess today I'm just tired. You know I don't expect him to clean the house top to bottom, but come one. He could at least help me out, by not adding to the mess. I have a toddler people. I have enough of a time keeping the house clean with her around. In fact I had to re-clean her room because she went up there after I had got done in there and pulled all of her clothes out of the drawer. I need a vacation, seriously. Like one day, it's all I'm asking. *Sigh*. I think I'm done now. I have to go fold laundry and then I am going to take my anger out in my Tae Bo workout. I;m sure I will cool off after that. Then I am going to grab a book and read. Zack doesn't get home until 8.