Comments on Torchwood S2 Ep12 - SPOILERS

Mar 22, 2008 20:33

12 down and 1 to go. Can't believe it's goine so fast.
Spoilers ahoy.

02 12 - Fragments

aka the one where we find out how the team joined Torchwood
aka the one which I was hoping they'd do ever since Season 1
aka the Gwen lite episode to make up for last 'weeks' Gwen centred one

What did I know about this episode before it aired?
I knew that we'd find out how each of the team joined Torchwood three. I knew that there'd be a bomb blast that would trap them all and we'd see flashbacks as a result. Per a friend who saw it before I got a chance to, I knew that I'd enjoy the Ianto bit - well Jack and Ianto, duh! I knew from a GDL interview that he'd spent hours setting up and filming a 'trapped in the rubble' scene that was only a 10 second shot in the ep.


So it starts with the team on a mission without Gwen. Wonder why she's not there...nah, don't care really.
I am slightly disappointed that there's no follow up from last episode regarding Ianto having gone behind Jack's back to give information to Gwen. Normally this could be blamed on lack of communication between writers, but since Chris Chibnall wrote both eps (and the S2 finale), there's no excuse. Unless of course the eps were originally intended in a different sequence.

(booom!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Although how coincidental is it that they each just happened to find a bomb just seconds before they all blew up. I guess it's just as well that the SUV didn't have a flat tire or anything on the way there! Then again, I suppose the bombs were probably set to only start their countdown when the team entered the building.

Doh, and here's me thinking we wouldn't see Gwen at all.

'1392 deaths earlier' Holy crap! Then again, assuming it was 1899 (couldn't be any later) that's 109 years min, average of 12 deaths a year. Of course if they're counting the 'year' on the Valiant, that'd certainly skew the statistics.

"Torso of steel, shilling a feel!" Excuse me while I raid my piggy bank!

Tying Jack to a chair...yeah, I'm sure he's been *there* before!

I see that not much has changed in Torchwood with regard to treatment of prisoners.

"You're going to need currency" Ladies, looking like Jack does, trust me, that *won't* be a problem!

"The Rift only goes one way" Oh please. If people/things land in the Rift from other parts of time and space, how can you simply assume that there's not people/things being sucked from Cardiff to land somewhere else? Even without ep 11, that's just such a breakdown in logic.

Seeing what those ladies are like, I can see why Jack felt he needed to rebuild Torchwood.

Ah creepy psychic girl. But the question is, did 1890's Torchwood lady know that she'd meet up with Jack and tell him how long he'd have to wait? Or was she just hoping he'd come to his senses.

It seems like he's being hired as a sort of a contractor, not a full time employee, possibly explaining how he was able to be in India (?) for the Small worlds flashback, as well as why he was fighting in both World Wars. Although again those could have been undercover missions for Torchwood.

So now we know he's only been the Boss for 8 years.

Hmm, I guess it's very convenient that Jack was the only one to suffer fatal injuries. Although I shudder to think what state Owen will be in!


"I don't exist, and for a man of my charisma, that's quite an achievement!" Ah Jack, modest as ever!

Five years work for Torchwood in exchange for her freedom. And that was five years ago...but I can't see Toshiko giving up Torchwood now.

And given that she was willing to do so much for her mother's safety, it's not surprising that Bilis used the image of her mother to try and get her to open the Rift.

I know that NM confirmed it in an interview that Tosh from Torchwood is the same Doctor Sato that was in S1 Doctor Who, but I thought it was going to be confirmed in this episode.

I know Torchwood likes to keep things under wraps, but surely they need professional help to get Tosh out?

And now it's Ianto's turn and he's trying to claw his way out already.

21 months earlier.

Yes! I totally called it when we saw pictures of this episode being filmed. I said it was going to be Ianto's first meeting with Jack and his getting into Torchwood. Granted I figured it was his way into Torchwood overall and not just TW3, but I was almost right!

Pardon me while I pause and drool over Ianto in jeans and a studded belt!

"You're em...were bleeding..." Hmm, does Ianto see that Jack is healing up on the spot?

(squee!) Ianto with an open necked shirt!

Born on August 19th, 1983...well I don't mind a bit of cradle snatching, I'm sure Captain Jack would agree!

Able student but not exceptional? I don't believe that. Surely it was just a case of Ianto hiding his light under a bushel. A number of temporary jobs...
Then again, this probably does tie in with Ianto's admission in Adam that he found new focus with Torchwood, especially Torchwood 3. Possibly he was the type of guy who just drifted around, not taking a great interest in anything, until then he joined Torchwood, met Lisa, had to throw himself into saving her. All his potential finally put to use instead of being wasted.

Minor conviction for shoplifting. That brings up all sorts of fic ideas!

Joined Torchwood 2 years earlier as a junior researcher. So he's been with Torchwood overall for almost 4 years.

Ianto "I really like that coat" There's a note of desperation in his voice even as he's flirting.

I am surprised that Ianto was left with his memories after Canary Wharf. If he wasn't automatically transferred to TW 2 or 3, I would have expected him to be Retconned. But then, Jack was probably the person to make the call. Maybe it's only fired employees that needed to worry.

(snicker) Third time lucky, so Ianto's wearing a cute suit to help with his cause.

"So you're not going to help me catch this Pterodactyl?" As chat up lines go, I've heard worse!

"51st Century pheromones" Jack is very free with his information. Does he presume at that point that he's going to Retcon Ianto once he's finished so it doesn't matter what he knows?

"You won't let me in but you'll let it in?" (snicker) Ianto's jealous of Myfanwy!

Oh the irony. Ianto's the one who brought Myfanwy to Torchwood so he could help Lisa, and then she nearly killed Lisa.

Hee, the Pterodactyl likes dark chocolate?

Awww, poor Ianto. He's got what he wanted, but what price is he going to have to pay? He must have guessed that it was his looks and body that finally convinced Jack. The question is of course, how much of his flirtiness with Jack was genuine attraction and how much was sheer desperation in his efforts to help Lisa. Still leaves it open as to whether they started shagging before or Lisa's death.

So where was Ianto keeping Lisa all this time?

It is a pity that we couldn't see Jack give Ianto a quick hug when he finally gets pulled free, but I guess it's part of them being all professional when there's work to be done. Ianto may be safe, but Tosh and Owen are still in trouble. Time enough for hugs when everybody is safe.

Although it does look like Jack is still holding Ianto steady after the shoulder has been reset.

Okay, this shouldn't be funny, but I'm quite amused at the prospect of undead Owen being cut in half by the glass. Would they just stick him back together again?


Four years earlier, so it's Jack, Tosh, Owen and Ianto in order of joining Torchwood Three. Although Ianto *could* have joined Torchwood One before Owen went to Cardiff.

Owen...getting married??
Owen - "I'm marrying you, even if it kills me"
Yeah, she's dead...even the music thinks so.

Okay, so Owen was a qualified Doctor at 23? (Dead at 27, this is 4 years earlier)
No, no, no. I know it's possible, just barely, if he started University at 16 (when he left home), then 7 years later he'd be a barely qualified Doctor and just no. Does not compute.

I am somewhat surprised that Owen didn't get Retconned by Jack. But then, maybe it was a test of sorts. If Owen was focused enough to keep looking for Jack then maybe he was the type of person Jack needed on his team. If he just wallowed in guilt, then he wasn't.

And this is how we know it's a UK show. A USA one would have had a fully etched headstone on the grave already.

And again a little tie-in with Adam regarding Owen and his need to save people. But again it sounds like he's been doing his doctoring for years and not just the few years of practical work he'd have had as a med student.

From the angle we're shown, would it not have been quicker for Gwen to just knock the glass away from Owen rather than trying to free him. How convenient that he doesn't appear to have suffered any damage.

I like the little pat on the shoulder that Owen gives Ianto when the team meet up. Too bad it was his injured shoulder, but they must have drugged him up nicely because he's not reacting.

And why am I not surprised that it's Captain John behind it all. (actually I probably would have been a bit surprised if I hadn't been accidentally spoiled for this)

I didn't realize that this was effectively going to be a two-parter...and now the bastards at BBC are making us wait two weeks! Aghh!!! Why the heck couldn't they have run a double bill like they did last year.


Overall this I think was one of the best episodes this season. And no, I'm not just saying this because there was hardly any Gwen in it. I've said from season 1 that I wanted to see how the team joined Torchwood, although granted none of them were exactly like I envisaged. I would still be curious as to how Ianto got into Torchwood one. It doesn't sound exactly like the kind of job that they'd advertise for.

It's interesting that Jack asked Tosh, Owen, Gwen to join, but Ianto had to fight for his chance to join Torchwood. It's also interesting that Jack tried to turn Ianto down. Was it really a case of 'no room at the Hub' or did he just not want to bring Ianto in or even back in to a dangerous situation when he was so young.

And now the countdown to the finale begins damn it. The only good thing is that it looks like Doctor Who will be starting the day after Torchwood ends.

Until then.

no fic, review, season 2, torchwood

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