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Torchwood - Season 2 episode 10 - From out of the rain.
AKA the one where Ianto is 'most affected' by the storyline
AKA the one that's only four from the end (oh noes!)
AKA the one written by P.J.Hammond who freaked me out with Sapphire and Steel (I mean seriously, when you're 10 years old and living in a 150 year old house, watching the first adventure of S&S is really going to give you nightmares)
Things I knew about this episode before I watched it.
Ianto was going to be 'most affected', he's the one urging the investigation, Jack was part of a carnival act, people are going to escape from film strips.
(and Ceindreadh is probably going to sleep with the light on!)
Before you go any further, be warned that I'm a shameless slasher and Janto shipper. I also don't like Gwen all that much, so yes, there will probably be bashing ahead. (I am a fair person, if Gwen doesn't do or say anything that annoys me then I won't bash her...I don't think it's happened yet this season, but there's always hope...especially if TPTB have decided to be nice and do an episode while Gwen is on her honeymoon and we can see how the team manage without her)
"Never to be forgotten for the rest of your lives" And in a show like this, I'm guessing that'll be ooh, five minutes tops?
I know there's been speculation about the level - if any - of Jack's psychic ability. He certainly seemed to be able to hear what the team were thinking as well as saying in the hypnosis scene in Adam. Tosh not being able to 'read' him in Greeks bearing Gifts could have been because of his ability to shield. Certainly looks like he's picking up some strange vibes now.
Jack "Where's Ianto? He would know." Yes, because Ianto really does know everything...whether it says so on a screen or not.
Heh, Jack's probably a little miffed that Ianto didn't invite *him* along! Wonder if they've had their date yet.
"Who knows, you may see long dead members of the family, waiting in the cinema queue" Oh dear...even unspoiled I think I would have had a very bad feeling about this.
Ianto "Could you be quiet" Ah Ianto, I see he has the same patience with people who talk in cinemas as I do. Next time he'll take Janet, she probably has better manners.
Ianto seems quite amused at the thought of Jack being part of the travelling show.
Well Missus, if you're closed then maybe you shouldn't have opened the door to strangers.
(squee!) Ianto...in a burgundy (?) shirt, and no waistcoat? (excuse me while I fan myself a little)
Ianto "Told you so" Bet that's not the first time he's said that to Owen.
Observant Ianto! Although I'm not entirely surprised at that facet to his character. I've always figured that he'd have to be smart and with a pretty good memory.
Jack "Ianto, with me. I need your local knowledge"
Gwen "Oh, is that what you're calling it these days!"
Boo...but okay, it *was* funny! (especially because I figured at first that Gwen was just going to bitch about not being the one to help Jack)
So it's now canon that Ianto is from Cardiff - or at least was for at least part of his childhood - yes I like to be accurate.
Jack "I was sent to investigate..."
By Torchwood perhaps? Although why not simply say that to Ianto.
"This one is a pub...four pint jugs for a fiver, girls in free before eleven" Ianto really does know everything! But what was this little sideways glance at Jack for? Maybe dropping a hint that a pub would be a nice place for part of a date? Wondering if Jack is going to wonder how Ianto knows about this offer? Wondering which of them would look best dressed as a girl so they could get in free? (Note to self, add *this* to list of fic to write someday!)
"They touched [Ianto] as they passed you by" eeep, creepy! And sinister and should we be worried about poor Ianto?
Ianto "They're bringing more through" Hmm, so what happens if they try to bring 'Jack' through? Will they end up with two Jack's in this time? (Ianto will indeed be a happy bunny!)
Jack is suspiciously handy with a video camera...why do I have a feeling he's used them in, ahem, certain specific locations.
(snicker) Poor Owen, that's two episodes in a row where he'd be dead...if he wasn't already!
Run Ianto, run!
Noooo, a Vulcan nerve pinch...that's not playing fair!
Awww, poor sad Ianto :-(
Jack "What worries me are all those old dusty pieces of film..."
Oh this is totally bringing me back to the 'people trapped in pictures' adventure of Sapphire and Steel, which end with Steel telling the 'innocent' to find all the pictures there are of her and destroy them, and never let another one be taken. (and yes I was sorely tempted to do so at the time)
Jack, now would have been a good time to give Ianto a hug. (send him to me, I'll take care of him!)
And of course there's the predictable ending of 'oh noes, there's another one out there!'
(sighs) That was an enjoyable episode, nicely heavy on the Jack/Ianto interaction, even if it was mostly on a professional basis. I don't mind that. I mean, I love it that they can put aside their 'dabbling' and act like professionals when it matters.
Poor Ianto really needed a hug. Yet again he's been faced with a situation where a number of people are at risk (Canary Wharf), but he can only save a single one (Lisa). At least this one has survived intact, albeit the sole survivor of his family.
Creepiest images of the episode, the shed with the people whose breaths were in the bottle and they're just standing there. I'm sure I've seen a similar image in a PJ Hammond S&S episode and it creeped me out then as well. And then of course the way they vanish as their breath disperses into the air (shudder).
Anyway, muchly enjoyed this ep, only wish that there weren't just 3 eps left (and totally messed up schedules so I don't even know when I'm going to see them, grrr)