Comments on Torchwood S2 Ep4 - SPOILERS

Feb 06, 2008 23:42

Just to warn you...I've nver been a Gwen fan...and I was even less of a Gwen fan by the end of this episode. Hence there's a lot of swearing and a bit of Gwen bashing going on.
Be warned.

02 04 - Meat
aka the alien version of Countrycide

Best lines of the night:
"Pray they survive"
"Next time let [Gwen] take the bullet"

First thoughts. WTF is up with the writers??? One episode it's all Ianto and Jack, next episode they seem to be trying to convince us that Jack wants Gwen?
"I wouldn't remember"
"I would" or words to that effect. WTF????
And Gwen with all her 'oooh I love Rhys so much, let's make sure that Jack can see how much I love him', (rolls eyes) I heartily second Ianto's comment about letting her take a bullet.

And Ianto, Ianto, Ianto, he is so the man! Kicking ass and taking names. Escaping from being tied up with ropes - and why do I feel that this is something he's done with Jack before? "This is part of your Torchwood training Ianto, honest!" (I got to write that fic, maybe even illustrate it!)

Okay, okay, let's start at the beginning.
I admit to having been spoiled for the major plot points of this ep, Rhys gets caught up with alien meat, finds out about Torchwood, Gwen throws a hissy fit and refuses to Retcon him. But it didn't really take from my enjoyment (mainly because the spoilers failed to mention Ianto (have I mentioned how much he rocked this episode?) It does look like TPTB have found the right balance between restrained invisibility and delicious snarkiness. Of course it helps that he was actively involved in the case, with more to do than just stand around looking pretty and sounding witty (yes, there's worse things than that, but I do love to see him as a functioning member of the team and not just eye candy)

Ah Rhys, possibly the only character on TV that pulls over to the side of the road to take a phone call.

And again the question, why was Torchwood involved in a simple truck accident? Had somebody checked the cargo and noticed something hinky? Do the police force just not like Torchwood and as a result call them in for every little thing just to take the piss?
And another question, I thought Rhys knew that Gwen was with Torchwood, as in that it was a special ops thing, so why the big surprise to see her?

Hmm, I was expecting this to be the episode that confirmed or refuted the fanon that Ianto and Tosh became vegetarian's after Countrycide. Guess not. Although maybe it's more than a coincidence that while Owen is doing the 'autopsy/dissection', Gwen and Jack are the only ones watching, while Tosh and Ianto are in the main Hub.

Awww, it's lovely to see Gwen has such faith in Rhys. Of course he'd never lie to her, he loves her, you don't lie to people you love. I'm sure he feels the same way about her.

Ianto the note taker. If you freeze frame and zoom, I'm pretty sure the note says something along the lines of "Dear Captain, you too look very good in a suit, sincerely yours, Mr. Jones"
Hmm, and Jack hands the note to Tosh. Maybe it's just a requisition form for a threesome. Owen and Gwen not invited.

Ianto the human calculator, working out the distance in time travelled. See, he *can* be more than just a snark generator.

Owen "What [pizza] did you get me?"
Ianto "The usual...meat feast" (snicker) Okay, could see that coming the moment Ianto mentioned pizza, but heh!
And I love that Owen is picking the meat pieces off the pizza, lol!

Ianto, ah Ianto, ever the civilized. Back to his usual napkin bib, and even a spare tissue in his hand to make sure he keeps clean. (As a messy eater, I do tend to wear a napkin as a bib myself; at least I'm in good company!)
Again Ianto gets a chance to show off his research skills.

Rhys is a much better actor and liar than Gwen. Don't think she was ever that plausible when lying to him.

Gwen "Have you ever eaten alien meat?"
Jack "yeah."
Gwen "What was it like?"
Jack "He seemed to enjoy it!"
Yeah, that's one scene that's not gonna make it to the kiddie version, lol!

Owen and Ianto, Ianto looks as at home strolling around the warehouse as he does while in the Hub (and very dashing as well!)

Owen and the 'alarm deactivator'.
Ianto "well that's one way of doing it!" (he totally gets all the best lines!)

Jack to Gwen "What then, you gonna knock him out?" (what, again?)

Ah yes, Gwen so indignant, so shocked that Rhys has lied to her. Really hurts when the boots on the other foot you hypocritical bitch.

Tosh "...we're all sad and single."
Heh, and Ianto just sips and smiles like the cat that's got the cream. But then, if Tosh thinks they're *all* single, does that mean that she doesn't know about Jack & Ianto?
And then another quick glance look between Jack and Ianto.

I'm still not sure what to make of Owen. It's clear that Tosh seems to have decided to make a play for him. Is this a result of losing Tommy last week? Has she decided to finally take the bull by the horns so to speak? The bigger question though is Owen. He's a tosser yes, but surely not so wrapped up in himself that he's unaware of what Tosh is doing. So is he deliberately ignoring her subtle hints? Maybe if he's not interested in her, he could feel that it's best to pretend she's not really trying to make a pass at him, that way she can back off without feeling as if she's spoiled things between them.

Hey, Myfany's back!

Tosh "If we understood how it worked, we could feed the world!"
Ianto "We could release a single."
Bwahhaaa!!!! Oh I love it when he does that! Just throws out a line that you hardly even notice until a few seconds later and you go "wait, what did he just say?"

Jack telling Rhys that Gwen wasn't in danger, she can handle herself. And see Gwen beaming with pride as Jack goes to bat for her. Must be nice having two men defending you like that (rolls eyes)

Love the way Ianto takes a few steps forward when Rhys is getting in Jack's face!

Jack "Do I show off?"
Ianto "Just a bit."

Jack "This is quite homoerotic."
And Gwen with her "No no no..." Yeah, she just wanted to make sure Jack didn't start any flirting with *her* guy!

That's twice Jack has suggested to Gwen that she should stand down.
"You love [Rhys]...makes you vulnerable." So who makes Jack vulnerable?

Ianto "Guess who'll have to look after it in the meantime!" (snicker)

Owen "We could always hide behind it" (heh!)

Rhys "You didn't hear it cry...heartbreaking..."
Ianto "Listen to Ahab." I have the feeling I should read Moby Dick to appreciate this line a bit more.

Gwen to Jack "So you do have a heart."
Yeah, and it belongs to Ianto, so back off, grrrr!!!

Ah poor Tosh. Owen is being completely oblivious to your efforts, the only question being is he really just that unobservant, or is he doing it to spare having to turn her down?

Bitch bitch bitch, making sure that Jack can see you snog your boyfriend. Yeuch.
Too bad that Jack is most likely thinking that last weeks kiss from Ianto was a hell of a lot better.

Jack "We needed [Gwen]" That thud you hear is my jaw hitting the floor. What the fuck does Gwen bloody Cooper bring to Torchwood that any halfway decent police officer couldn't?

Rhys to Jack "You're not gay by any chance, are you?" In my dreams, Jack answers Rhys's question by telling him all about him and Ianto.

I think this has to be a in the first time we've seen Captain Jack Harkness meet a new sentient life form and *not* immediately make a pass at it!

"Hello!" It's chirpy Ianto! Followed quickly by ruthlessly efficient 'stun the bad guy and drag him out of sight' Ianto.
Heh, and not happy to have gotten his hands messy!

And Gwen as ever, doesn't bother following orders. (rolls eyes) So how many times did Jack tell her to stay put?

"It's just meat, that's all" I thought at first that Ianto was reacting badly to being captured, maybe thinking back to another time when something was captured and ready to be carved up as 'meat'. Second watching I realized he was already working on his ropes and straining with the effort/pain required.

It's good to know that Ianto is more than capable of holding his own in a fight. IIRC, the only time we've previously seen him in hand to hand combat was against Owen in 'Captain Jack Harkness'. Clearly Ianto's been practicing since then. (maybe more of Jack's 'training'?)

Ianto is totally the man! Kicking the door in, stunning one bad guy without hesitation, kicking the gun out of the other guy's hand, "pray they survive" and then stunning him in the face. Ianto rocks!

Um...yeah, that's not really a very realistic looking alien. Think it looked better when we could only see a small part of it at a time.

Ianto to Rhys "Next time...let her take the bullet" (snicker) I think Ianto was totally serious, heehee! And damn, he should leave his suit jacket off more often!

Gwen "At least let me give [the amnesia pill] to him at home" Yeah, cause you're used to doing it there.

Poor Rhys, he's so happy that he's finally getting to share in some part of Gwen's secret life, thinking that their relationship can only grow stronger now that she doesn't have to lie to him anymore.

Jack "...we understand how you feel."
Gwen "No you don't"
Because of course, self righteous, self important Gwen - nobody understands what it's like, nobody can possibly understand what she's going through. Oh give me a fucking break. For starters, you're talking to Jack Harkness, who's had to spend the last 150 odd years having to lie to everybody to conceal his immortality. You're talking to Ianto Jones, who had to lie to his friends and colleagues to try and protect Lisa. Gwen thinks she's the only person who's ever had to hide what they do, what they are, from the people they care about? Fuck you Gwen, you just can't be arsed lying any more. You just don't want to have to bother coming up with new lies for Rhys.

This was the point where I was digging my fingernails into my palms to stop from screaming at the TV screen. This and the whole "I wouldn't know any different", "I would" scene had me wanting to kick the TV screen.

And Ianto with his hand on his head as Jack walks past him. Definitely thinking that Rhys should have let Gwen take the bullet.

Great episode, but the last scene left me with a bad taste in my mouth...or maybe it was that meat salad I had earlier today...hmm, wonder what kind of alien it came from!


no fic, review, season 2, torchwood

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