(no subject)

Apr 28, 2010 14:23

After reading this article, I think I really want to go see the Marina Abramovic exhibit at MoMA. I actually had a dream about it. I dreamed I worked at a cafe at the museum directly adjacent to the exhibit, and I wandered away to go and sit with the artist. She was wearing a magnificent blue dress and approached the table on stilts, looking somewhat like a nymph from the Met production of Ariadne auf Naxos:

But then, instead of sitting, she started to dance. She was wearing not stilts, but pointe shoes, and she kept growing larger and larger until I was afraid the ceiling was going to break. Another dancer in pointe shoes, this one miniature, approached the table, balancing completely on her toes, which made a sound like rolling wheels.

Seems way more bombastic than the actual performance art in question, but I think there could be something beautiful in the simplicity of the real thing -- just sitting, seeing and being seen.

I booked my flight to London for Gwen's wedding and I could not be more excited. The plan is to leave New York on Monday the 3rd, stay in Oxford until the following Sunday, and then depart for parts unknown before returning to London on Thursday the 13th to catch my flight home. I haven't decided where I want to go yet, and I suspect I may not until the time comes. I essentially just want to take an overnight train somewhere (this is of paramount importance) and go on an adventure (also of paramount importance). Everything else is secondary.

Lots of life changes, mostly an accumulation of small ones -- I got a weasely email from Citibank being all, "Congratulations! We're upgrading your account from a college student to a real person!" Then, as the lawyer-influenced young woman I am, I went to read the small print which said, "This means we will charge you $7.50 a month for being broke. Sucks to be you!" So now, about a week after finally getting around to setting up direct deposit with work, I have to switch banks before they start charging me up the wazoo. I've been doing some informal research by asking everyone I know about what bank they have and how they like it, and now I'd like to include all you people in this survey. My main requirements are that there's no minimum balance, no fees, and free checking. I'd also like to hear your thoughts on big banks vs. small banks.

Also, after awhile of putting it off, I've decided to leave Livejournal. I have kept a blog on here since 2003 and gradually over the years, they've started to add more and more advertisements. Recently, however, they've started with pop-up ads, which I simply cannot deal with. And they're the kind of pop-up ads that get around pop-up ad blockers. So I'm going to move this thing elsewhere -- the only question is where. I'd like it to be free and with minimal ads (or at least, if there are ads, I should get some money from them). Any suggestions?

If that isn't enough "moving" for you, my two roommates are also planning on moving in the very near future, one for a job and one for love. So I'm searching for new people to inhabit my wonderful beautiful Brooklyn apartment with me. It is rent-stabilized and really overall a total steal, with three sunny bedrooms and a living room and a kitchen, plus roof access and a pretty courtyard with flowers. I can give more details for anyone interested.
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