(no subject)

Mar 10, 2010 23:46

I have two very good reasons for not taking pictures:

#1 -- Since I don't have a closet or dresser in my current apartment, I've been essentially living out of that suitcase. My camera is somewhere in said suitcase.

#2 -- I've been having too much fun to remember.

Sunday was one of those incredible days in which I feel like every decision that I've ever made to get me to this point in my life has been the right one. Somehow, the weather being 70 degrees and sunny seems to facilitate these sorts of days. We celebrated Liza's birthday by spending the day picnicking and playing Clue in Central Park. Liza made homemade chocolate-chip scones, cucumber sandwiches, and lemonade; I brought orange-strawberry-banana juice, cookies, grapes, and clementines. We camped out on a rock and admired all of the puppies that spring brought out of hibernation.

Nomi's cat-sitting in this beautiful artist loft not far from where I used to live, so we developed an elaborate plan that involved Liza and I going to get coupons for discounted tickets to Alice in 3-D and Nomi making dinner. And then after the movie, we went back to Nomi's adopted apartment and went up on the roof to see the view. We were not disappointed.

It was like something out of a movie -- drinking red wine on rooftops surrounded by the glow of the city. The Brooklyn Bridge and the Statue of Liberty watching over us as we made a toast, and I said something half-joking (which I suppose means that I must have been half-serious as well), that I believed that life should be a work of art. If spending an entire day with your best friends picnicking in Central Park and drinking wine on city rooftops isn't living the dream, I don't know what is.

I got the apartment that I wanted, and I'm moving on Sunday. I'll have my own bedroom, roof access, a working oven, and -- although this is a small thing -- I'm excited to be able to use their blender to make myself delicious fruit smoothies, preferably with ice cream. I can't wait to have my first day off from work in my new apartment in my new bed (tomorrow is mattress shopping -- it'll be so wonderful to actually have a bed instead of starving-artistly borrowing an air mattress from generous Liza). I plan to not properly get dressed all day and instead just stay in my bed writing, and then when I finally decide to get out of bed I'm going to bake peanut-butter-Nutella-chocolate-chip cookies. It will be glorious indeed.
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