In the "I haven't posted in a while" category, an update:
Just over two weeks ago, my boyfriend's father died of a heart attack. He'd had prior heart problems (bypass years ago and a "minor" heart attack in April) but his death was sudden, unexpected, and unwelcome. I've never before experienced the death of a person with whom I had a relationship and that I loved and I still don't know how to deal with it in many ways. He welcomed me into the family in a way that made me feel comfortable, valued, and accepted (including my many flaws) and I will miss him. No matter how I feel, my grief pales in comparison to R's and I also worry about how to be there for him. R says, "It is hard, but Dad would want me to go on." Which is entirely true.
He had great faith in heaven and predestination and so his family took comfort in hearing that it was God's time for him and that he's in heaven. I don't know exactly what I believe, but I take comfort in knowing that he had faith in something to make his last moments less terrifying.
We've been with R's mother and his family a lot over the last two weeks, but I returned to work last week and have been busily trying to catch up with work before I leave here at the end of August. My last day is August 22nd and my first day at my new job is the 28th, so no vacation. But my new judge has already given me time off to be at a certain wedding in September that I am very much looking forward to, and I'm guaranteed a raise by the federal pay guidelines (I'll be JSP 12).
I have tomatoes growing in my garden (along with some herbs and some flowers). They've been slightly wilty and sad due to our recent long absences. My cats are stressed out and shedding, see recent long absences, and my dog had arthroscopic elbow surgery for bilateral elbow dysplaisa. Her surgery leads to adventures in how to keep an 18 month old lab from bounding, jumping, and wiggling, so that she can recover from surgery. Recommendations and advice welcome.
Trying to get out from under oppressive levels of credit card and student loan debt. Grateful for my relationships and my family. Hopeful for new work opportunities. Working to make my life more rewarding and fulfilling. Wishing life wasn't so hard, but enjoying it most of the time anyway.