"there goes my gun...."

Oct 13, 2005 21:01

funny how radiohead cds seem to take it in turns to be my favorite. when i first got into them, even after gaining some sort of version of all of them, amnesiac (the first i heard) was my favorite. for quite a long time. there might have been other favorites within that time, but i wouldn't know because i had my mind set that amnesiac was my favorite. which was probably true most of hte time. the next i remember is a while ago when i got back into them and had the bends as my new favorite. its' been a few weeks since i listened to them and yesterday tommy was telling me how jake sent him hail to the thief. then i had "2+2=5" come up on my ipod today in the marta station. so when i came home i had this kind of craving to hear that song. and so i put in hail to the thief. continued listening to it on my rides to and from my flute lesson i had, and have jsut finished up listening to it. and on the car ride i decided it is my current favorite radiohead cd. the songs are just soo atmospheric, but also terribly interesting. it was soo cool to just turn them up really loud and have the textures wash over me. yeah i think my preference changes with what i need music to give me. sometimes i need melodic music with beautiful lyrics. sometimes i need textured music with different things going on and intriguing lyrics when i'm able to untangle them from the fabric they are woven into.

today was allright. in my search for a blank shirt for zeke to print his design on for me, i came across an oddly colored shirt that served as my halloween costume when i was like one year old or so. it was orange i think, but now it's kind of salmon colored. and it has drawn on it a jack-o-lantern face. because they stuffed the shirt around me and made me a pumpkin for a chuch festival that year. funness. and now it fits kind of like a normal shirt. haha. i ended up settling for one of my dad's newer undershirts. we'll see how it turned out. party in the darkroom in graphic arts. not much else. i think i still had some of the chemicals on my hand or wrist or something by the end of the day cuz they definitely smelled like either the developer or the fixer....

me and katie made money in the stock market game we're playing within our economics class! haha everything went down but this one stock that we had bought at around 40 cents a share a few weeks ago which shot up from 32 cents last week to like 1.44 this week. we had like 13 hundred something shares and whereas we'd been going steadily down since the second week from a little over $10,000 total (which is what we started off with) to liek 10,900 and something. a TEN PERCENT increse. whereas we'd been going in like 1 percent or 2 percent increments down for a while. katie and i were quite happy. but i'm sure this is really boring to you so i'll stop.

winterscheidt was gone again for chemistry. same lady. she doesn't seem too bright but at least she doesnt' hinder us as much as ms wells. we did a worksheet. i hate it when he breaks rules just to give us an example of something. like we were doing a worksheet on reactions with aqueous solutions. and at the top of one page he told us to assume that the reactants were aqueous solutions. but on the last one, if you looked up the solubility rules, neither of them was soluble in water, and both of the products were insoluble. so of course it went down as two aqueous solutions producing two solids, but it bothered me. so at the end i kind of pressed down the pencil on the paper to the right of it and made a small angry scribble. so joe drew an arrow to it and wrote 'angry scribble.' i'm sure winterscheidt will appreciate it for what it is, coming from me.

then in lunch towards the end polly recruited me and kelin to go sit with her near the army recruiter dude's table while she held up a small sign that said "didja know? this guy already has your information" because most people havne't turned int he sheet that prevents the school from releasing their information to army recruiters. then marta ride and such. last night i finally got my ipod to charge. i guess it finally dried out. maybe being in a hot car for two days helped. so i got to listen to that again, which was good cuz i finished both of the books i was reading yesterday on marta so i need to find something else. or read my summer reading.... hey there's an idea.

then calc. steve was off his crutches and with that little strap on shoe thing that goes over your cast. but he got there late and ended up way way way in the back corner. quiz today was so fucking easy. talked to dan some while walking to marta cuz his dorm is kinda in the same direction. he says he likes to order chinese sometimes just so he can surprise peopel by speaking it. and he's liek the only freshman in his chinese class. yeah. my phone was out of battery by then. oh well. square. and people. matts included. and halley. i dunno. other people. soon little matt had left. and matt tate was leaving. halley and i then went to go visit eliot and get a smoothie. whatever it was called, it was like pineapple and strawberry and kiwi and such. it was quite quite good. a few hours later i was still having tiny pineapple burps. haha i'm sure y'all wanted to know that. also had a sample of vanilla milkshake which a guy and his daughter came to get. yum yum. so yeah we stayed a while and talked till i had to go so i could get gas (god i hate drivign what amounts to a gas-guzzler compared to my mom's smaller car) and go home and then go to my flute lesson. and as i was listening to hail to the thief in my car a car was in front of me with a license plate with the letters "MYX" like myxomatosis...................merp.

The Cure Shares Your Taste in Music

See their whole playlist here (iTunes required)

Which Musician (or Group) Shares Your Taste in Music?

school, music, smoothie king, square

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