I was going to do a random info dump earlier but I got too excited by the Prop 8 news and had to celebrate that instead. Of course, Twitter was where all the action was:
It was a good day to celebrate and as good an excuse as any for Keith Olbermann to repeat his Special Comment from 2008 when the law was first passed and yes, I got teary yet again. It's impossible for me to watch this thing and not do so.
Click to view
Outside of this news, it's been a fun few days. Mum and dad are back from Benidorm. They had a good time even though the food was terrible, there wasn't much to do beyond getting pissed 24/7 and the fact that the place was, as they said, like Blackpool in the sun. It's nice to have them back, despite my love of the peace and quiet, because I did miss them. I'm a big kid sometimes. It was nice to get hugs from my mum too because I had a strange set of constant stabbing pains in the middle of the night that woke me up. They did go away after we called NHS 24 but we still don't know what it was. My mum's guess is it was a grumbling appendix. Oh well, as long as it just grumbles and doesn't burst.
We finally got to see the crime episode of You Have Been Watching. I've missed that quiff in high definition and I put my full support behind the Josie Long/Armando Iannucci coalition. It's Crime-ageddon baby!
And in final fangirl flailing news,
OMG John Sessions is gonna be in Sherlock, this is the greatest thing ever, as if I wasn't squealing over this show enough already! Makes sense that he's in it, he is a complete Holmes fanboy. Good man. So yeah, I'll be squealing more than usual on Sunday night. Damn you BBC for only giving us 3 episodes!