(Unmentionable) shallow time!

Jul 06, 2010 18:44

After the less than happytimes brought about by the latest part of the Sparkle Project (thanks to everybody who read it and commented, I got a huge response from equally pissed off readers. It's nice to know sane people don't think sexual harassment = love.) I thought it was time for some light happy fun with a slightly shallow edge.

Meme taken from blood_skittles

The Unmentionables Meme!

#1 List 5 men or women that you'd sleep with but would never normally confess to. [With pics]
#2 Explain why you keep them a secret.
#3 Tag!

Considering how open I am about my terrible taste in men and women, this was seriously hard to put together but I gave it my best shot.

1. Jeremy Vine: British newsies can kick arse too. And this guy was Frank N Furter for one night, which hits that kink right on target. Come on American media, we want a Rocky Horror night from you guys!

2. Tom Stade: He's not my usual type at all (for one he's conventionally attractive!) but I think I'll blame the accent.

3. Dougie Vipond: He's the head sports reporter on Reporting Scotland. For some reason sports fanboying is adorable to me even though I hate sports (see Keith Olbermann) and the lovely homegrown accent is definitely a plus.

4. Sarah Vowell: Because smart cheeky nerds are sexy.

5. Brad Jones (a.k.a. the Cinema Snob): It's all in the voice. Just go to TGWTG.com and you'll see what I mean.

John, Griff and the sock thank you for your time.

lists, tagged, meme

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