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seneska July 5 2010, 22:46:07 UTC
I'm actually stunned. Horrified. How the hell did this book get published?


ceilidh_ann July 5 2010, 22:59:03 UTC
The surge of popularity in the genre is my guess. The sequel is being rush released this year too, just to keep up with the fad. Bah, JK Rowling didn't rush for no man!


seneska July 5 2010, 23:02:49 UTC
Jesus could have asked for a new update from JK and she still wouldn't have rushed. All that time waiting for the 5th book only to read it in a night and cry so much that my face went blotchy for two days. Not fun.


ceilidh_ann July 5 2010, 23:06:32 UTC
I could take a million HP induced tears over this because I actually gave a shit about JK Rowling's work. This was just rubbish of the highest/lowest order.


seneska July 6 2010, 10:10:22 UTC
Ah HP. You taught me to love and then to cry when the object of my affection inevitably died. I think the only book that made me cry that much was The Last Battle- the last Narnia book. That said with LotR I was weeping at the end as well. Actually thinking about it with His Dark Materials trilogy I was sobbing from half way through the second book all the way to the end.

I'm a massive sop aren't I?


tabular_rasa July 6 2010, 10:34:08 UTC
So basically your rule is, you only cry over the good books :-P


seneska July 6 2010, 10:48:54 UTC
Pretty much :) I really do get far too emotionally involved in books, but only the really gripping ones.

I really can cry at anything. Film-wise I cried at the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, Atonement...heck, I even cried at the first scene of the latest Star Trek film.


brighty18 July 7 2010, 12:10:28 UTC
I'm a big crier, too, and I totally here you. When I got to "that part" of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix I wept SO hard. Unfortunately, I was at an airport bar and some random dude felt so sorry for me be bought me a margarita. I didn't want to admit I was weeping over a fictional character. LOL.


seneska July 7 2010, 12:37:28 UTC
That is the best form of comfort! I was alone on my bed in the middle of the night. Not nearly so cool.

True story: I can still pick out the star Sirius first from any sky. No Orion or Plough for me.


brighty18 July 7 2010, 22:14:16 UTC
True story: I can still pick out the star Sirius first from any sky. No Orion or Plough for me.
LOL Me, too.

Yeah, I'm a sad sort of fangirl...


aceofhadeon July 6 2010, 04:04:41 UTC
Seconded. Who the heck was her agent? Did she even have one? It's nuts that crap like this gets by the filters the publishing industry supposedly has in place.


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