I say night because the majority of the day will be spent on a coach then the arrival in the city itself will be followed by my attempts not to get lost/mugged/captured by Slitheens. The usual.
I'm not entirely sure of the plans for the couple of days - if someone who does know could comment and tell me, that would be a massive help (my organisational skills are mediocre at best.) I'm a little nervous about walking around London on my own. I get lost in Edinburgh so easily, I have no idea how I'll cope with the biggest city in UK! I'm dying to meet everyone (fuck you London Underground system depriving me of meeting the amazing Liz! You've made an enemy for life!) and hope I can be as normal as possible. Yes, I realise that it could be difficult to perceive the ranting, sarcastic pervert that posts here as normal but bear with me! To be honest, I'm a little nervous about the trip becausee I don't want to come across as an idiot or a total loser. I have self confidence levels that attract cult members (Scientologist in particular seem to find me fascinating.) and I'm so socially inept it leads other people to be embarassed for me. So I apologise in advance to you lovely ladies for anything stupid I may say/do/think/write/buy/rant about/etc.
And now to stop this post from being a rambling waste of your time, here is a classic Soup clip that may make you laugh until you throw up.
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