Apr 17, 2009 21:05
Going back to Edinburgh on Sunday. Once again these past three weeks have felt like a return to normal that's ending all too soon. I really would like to stay for the rest of the holidays but I feel that a week back in the flat to revise quietly will be much more productive than endless lunching with friends and Brit-com repeats that I oh so adore. I'm winning the gold medal in procrastination once again. I am having massive doubts about my Gaelic exam. My revision just isn't sticking and I need to pass this exam so badly. I just want to pull 50%, a simple pass. It doesn't count to the end of my degree so if I can pull this through or flunk my way then I can look into changing things for 2nd year. I love Gaelic, I just can't do it. Maybe it just isn't my thing. I've been looking over my old high school French stuff and I started to remember how much I loved the class and miss it. See, regrets. Stupid things. Maybe I can change my degree, keep it as Celtic but more into the history and civilisation angle. I like that stuff. Wish me luck in getting 50%, it seems more and more unlikely the closer the exam comes.
On a more positive note, I may have employment for Summer. Berry picking, how Blair-esque. I haven't done it since I was about 9. Hopefully it won't be all Summer, I don't fancy spending all 3 months working 6 days a week, 10-12 hours a day. I do have plans for more fun stuff this Summer too, including hopefully a few LJ friend meet ups and the Edinburgh festival! I just need money for uni next year, then I can get a proper job at uni, yay for living closer to the action.