What would you stick in Room 101?

Sep 28, 2008 20:20

For those of you not familiar with George Orwell or Paul Merton, Room 101 is the place where your deepest darkest fears or hates go. For Winston Smith it is rats, for Ian Hislop it was Piers Morgan and for Boris Johnson it was people who yell things at him when he's cycling (although he doesn't mind people calling him a Tory tosser when he's walking!) So here are my pet hates!

* The comments on YouTube - Proof that the world might be getting stupider.
* Ricky Gervais - He's unfunny, up his own arse and fawned upon like a comedy god.
* The tween stars of the Disney Channel - Annoying and disturbing in so many ways.
* Sultanas and raisins - guaranteed to make me barf.
* LOL - Let's banish that non word into oblivion!
* Twi-hards - Giving the level headed fans a bad name.
* Emma Watson's eyebrows - She's powerless without them!
* Perez Hilton - A scum sucking hypocrite.

I shall leave you with Boris on Room 101.

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video, lists, annoyed, angry, pet hates

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