Calm before the storm

Oct 09, 2006 15:28

Gah. I have such a busy week ahead, and of COURSE this is the week that Vicki is visiting from out of town! Shes been in since Friday and I still haven't seen her *weeps* I've got my first overnight with my nannying kids tomorrow night, followed by a big lesson for my music class which I must teach in French *did I mention I DONT SPEAK FRENCH!* followed by more nannying, then dance, then crashing on my I'll be out of the house from 7am tomorrow until about 11pm on Wednesday. *nice*

And tonight! I forgot all about tonight!!! The documentary starring my dad premiered last night at the Mill Valley Film Festival, and tonight is the follow-up since the screening was sold out (and also my chance to finally see the film!) After MVFF, the film is going to be touring a few other major film festivals, which I will of course post as they become available and confirmed. The film is titled "Klunkerz" and is about the "pioneers of mountainbiking," which really took hold in Marin with a group of guys which includes my dad. So lots of the old timers are included (Joe Breeze of Breezer Bikes, Gary Fisher of Fisher Bikes, Otis Guy of Otis Guy Bikes, etc) as well as some of the old racers like my dad! Dad actually won the first recorded mountain bike race on a track called "Repack," which is just an old fire road out in Fairfax. Anyway, point is that tonight should be a hoot going to the "movie premiere" at the festival. Thus far I think its been recieved very well, so I"ll have to report on how the evening goes sometime later this week.

Anywhoo, going to enjoy my calm before the storm.
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