I guess we all grow up sometime?

Jul 08, 2006 17:31

So I had an experience today that led me to an ephiphany.

Apparently, purchasing copious amounts of alcohol outside the city limits of a college community and in a small town makes you a social pariah.

Our local Albertsons is going out of business and is selling all of their alcohol at a cut rate. I immediately cruised over and took advantage of this, purchasing a 16 Party Pack of Smirnoff Ice (various flavors), 16 Pack of Pyramid Ale, 6 pack of Pyramid Ale (what can I say, I'm a fan) a 6 Pack of something else (*I forget*) 5 bottles of rum (1 Mango 1 Pinapple of Malibu, and 1 Vanilla, 1 Coconut and 1 Pineapple of some other brand) a handle of premade margaritas (there was no tequila in the whole store) and a premade apple martini shaker.

If I were in Davis/SB people wouldn't be batting an eye, because they're too busy counting their own liquor stocks. But in Fairfax? the party town, even? Apparently the PTA has had a more profound influence than when I was a lassie here, because I had parents dodging their children away from me all over the place. Scowls, finger wags, you name it. It was out of control.

The alternative was that I had no less than 5 people ask me "HEY! wheres teh PARTY at?!" Including both my checker and bagger, and a gross man also in the beer section. He saw me with just one 16 pack and said "well well well, a party?" and I said "no, its all for me" and then plunked it down in my brimming full shopping cart. I think he busted a nut.

Anyway, apparently wanting all this liquor makes me an alkie? We'll see about that!
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