
May 05, 2007 15:15

Job! I work for Linden Landscapes and Construction now, and they're either going to kill me or whip me into shape. Some days, it feels like killing, like on Tuesday, when I spent the afternoon hauling garbage cans of wet mulch up granite stairsteps. Nearly died. The rest of the time is just doing other peoples' yardwork, though. There are a couple of mansions that we do that are pretty cool. There's one that's up for sale for 1.3 million dollars. I suggested it to my parents, but they seemed to think it was out of their budget range. It even has a hand-carved mahogany door worth $13 000 and a housekeeper!

So yeah. Work is okay. I find it lonely, because it's just Margot (my boss, only she doesn't seem like it) and I, and once in awhile we join up with another team. Lots of raking and scrabbling around under bushes. Like yesterday- we went to a new place that they just got a contract for, and I was cortorting myself into a pretzel under the rhododendron bushes, trying to get the leaves out, when the owner got home. She looked a little confused, but had a lovely Scottish accent.

This summer I may or may not learn: 1) How to lay bricks, 2) How to build water features, 3) How to avoid losing fingers to overly-armoured rosebushes and 4) How to deal with very, very rich people. I've never been "the hired help" before. It's an interesting feeling.

At my interview, Bob (Margot's husband and the owner of the company) looked at me and warned me that it would be harder than Kent and that it would be dirty. How little they know of me!

I learned how to use the Beast around yesterday (the Beast is our affectionate nickname for the massive, ancient, very heavy dethatcher). It may lead to me being hauled off over hill and dale if the Beast feels like it, or it may end with me shoving it with my foot every second step. I'll show it who's master yet...

Finally got all my marks- three A plusses and two A's. Yay! Wait, did I already say that? Sorry if I did.
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