(no subject)

Jul 17, 2006 19:53

Name: Claude Jennings
Nickname: Crow
Age: About fourteen to fifteen
Gender: Male
Orientation: Gets what he can/undecided

Height: 5’6
Build: Slender but muscular
Hair color: Strawberry blonde (leaning to orange)
Eye color: Grey

Physical Description: Unusually tall for his age with a metabolism to make girls envious, Crow appears to be younger than he really is --with a boyish face enhanced by a mischievous expression. His hair is long enough to be annoying but shade his eyes, with loose curls that stick out from under a hat or bandana. Generally wears questionable clothing with stripes that are a bit oversized, all of which was pillaged.

Good traits: Diligent and willing when persuaded, forceful, & outgoing.
Bad traits: Adaptive, adult tastes, gets what he wants, procrastinator, & uncouth.
Likes: Adult company, cats, entertainment, rum, & the sea.
Dislikes: Being a kid, needless noise and screaming, other children, parents who can’t raise their children, & wearing boots.
Quirks: Wanting everything an adult has.

Psychological Description: Between a mixture of a child, cat, and sex addict, Crow is most often seen between lazing around the ship, half asleep, or trying to whore himself to shipmates for rum. He’s catlike in his mannerisms: being incredibly lazy, sleeps a lot, gathers energy from absolutely no where and uses it at the wrong time, & always craves attention. When he’s not being a brat and pestering the crew he’s actually the best worker you could have, granted you don’t piss him off from over working.
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