1. I'm really bad at searching and making online flight reservations. The site kayak.com helps a little bit, but eventually my eyes simply glaze over just the same.
2. I start at banana republic on saturday. I have mixed feelings about this, as I'm not yuppie, and have never like the idea of retail. But my shortbus driving job did dissapear for the summer, so me and my rusted '89 corolla are going to grunge up the republics parking lot for the next couple of months at least.
3. My ribs hurt again(/still). I layed out for a frisbee a couple days back and they're all tender like again.
4. a little behind the times..
explain your livejournal name and its meaning, then tag as any people as there are letters in your name to do the same.
are_you_sleepy tagged me, so here's my response:
It's the combination of a word and the word 'side', and springs from the days when I used to have an affinity for writing on things. I created it for lj (if I remember the order of events correctly) and have since made it a bit of a personal handle -gmail, photobucket, etc. I like(d) it because I think its orgin corrisponds in an interesting way to livejournals- on the one hand they often involve personal and private affairs, and at the same time you're putting it out there into the wider world for everyone to see, often hoping to get recongntion.
now it's your turn:
themanynamesofthenagain_notangibledilemmabellapenombramastermally 5. I really don't like looking up flights to g-town.