Jan 31, 2006 16:39
Dear California Drivers,
I would really appreciate it if you would please take note of several key notions in driving. First and foremost, if you are on an entrance ramp, it probably means you're going to be merging with traffic going a mite bit faster than you. Like maybe 50 mph faster than you are. That being said, I would really recommend that you actually SPEED UP, instead of continuing on with the pace of a retarded turtle. It's a real pain in the ass to be behind you and trying to merge, avoiding both you and the massive SUVs rocketing along in the right hand lane. Second, for those drivers who see people merging onto the freeway: if you're in the right hand lane, it's possible that those cars might get into your lane. In fact, quite probable. So, just a hint, if you're the ONLY CAR ON THE ROAD AND YOU'RE IN THE RIGHT LANE, it would be appropriate to move into one of the OTHER TWO COMPLETELY EMPTY LANES. And last, but certainly not least, turn signals are a nifty little invention that have been installed in modern automobiles for the last...oh....two decades, and while I should have gotten used to people slowing down for no perceivable reason during the time I lived in the South, I am not, I repeat, NOT psychic. I can't tell where you're going, and it would save us both some irritation if you would just let me know what's going on in that little brain of yours.