Yellow Roses For My Love

Sep 12, 2014 23:52

Pairing: Kaisoo
Length: 2.6k
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Humor (failed), College AU, Jealous!Soo, Clingy!Soo
Summary: Kyungsoo is definitely not the jealous type. Really.

This is for my dearest Huipie hokaidos. Darling, I am absolutely thankful for having you in my life. We haven’t known each other for long and we both had some doubts but I can confidently say that you’re one of the most precious people in my life right now (hopefully in the long run as well!). I found another me in you, you’re literally the soulmate, the other half. We’ve got it down from kaisoo to personality + personal info. I hope we’ll be able to meet someday and seriously, the first thing we’ll do is go shop til we drop + eat like kings.

Uhh, this is jealous!soo (because you said you wanted one and I do too!!!) + clingy!soo because there’s not enough of those in the world. I’m not sure if you’ll like it or if it’s up to par with your standards lol but I know that no matter what, you’ll appreciate it still. I love you!!!

P.S. Yellow roses symbolizes envy/jealousy. There's no actual yellow rose in was just for title purposes okay, okay

this is unbeta-ed and well beware, warning, red light for errors.

White dust falls softly covering the streets of Seoul, almost as if glittering in the soft sunlight. The air is chilly and the wind is quite harsh and a petite male pops his jacket collar to brace himself from the cold, and well, it’s to add to the mysterious look he’s trying to achieve. The gorgeous dark haired male hides behind a tree and slowly creeps forward to stare at the two figures talking from a few feet away.

‘Don’t slide your hand up and down his arm.’

He takes a step forward to get a closer look.

‘What does this guy think he’s doing?’

Slowly, he reaches out towards the front of the tree trunk facing the two males, his fingers clutching the rough surface of the tree.

‘I see where your eyes are, you thirsty son of an ugly witch!’

He takes one, two, three steps forward.


The two males conversing quickly halt and the taller of the two smiles teasingly when he sees the fallen boy in front of him.


Kyungsoo slowly looks up, his cheeks a bright red but he could blame the cold weather for that, right? He flashes a “peace” sign before smacking himself because ‘why Do Kyungsoo? why must you embarrass yourself even further?’, he chastises himself. He sees a familiar large hand stretched out towards him and he forgets about his pride, for now anyway, and reaches out to hold it.

“Baby are you okay?” The taller male asks, patting Kyungsoo’s back, mostly his butt, to clear out the snow, the latter thinks it’s mostly an excuse for the younger male to grope him in public---not that he’s complaining.

Kyungsoo grumbles and lets out a series of animal noises, a mix between a horse neighing and an elephant trumpeting when Jongin squeezes his butt. The taller male just laughs and Kyungsoo steps on the former’s foot. Unfortunately it isn’t forceful enough to stop Jongin from patting Baekhyun’s head.

Kyungsoo isn’t jealous.

No, he doesn’t want to pull Byun Baekhyun’s hair and set him on fire for touching Jongin’s shoulder---which is completely unnecessary by the way. No, he’s definitely not, he repeats---not, boring holes and shooting daggers at the other petite male’s direction, hoping Byun would bleed to death, just because he’s smiling that rectangular smile at his boyfriend, seriously, what kind of stupid smile is that? Next time he’ll definitely borrow Byun’s mouth for a diagram example in drafting class. ‘Heh, diagram’, Kyungsoo laughs at the picture.

See Kyungsoo isn’t jealous. Jealous would mean he’s immature and envious of Byun Baekhyun but last time he checked he’s a mature young man and, he sizes up the other small male thinking, ‘my smile is heart shaped, beat that you twat!’.

Kyungsoo is clearly just concerned for his boyfriend---Jongin who’s always too good looking and doesn’t even know how people look at him like he’s the freshest meat for a pack of wolves. Kyungsoo is simply being a good boyfriend, protecting the younger male from danger. Of course, Baekhyun, standing at one hundred seventy four centimeters screams danger compared to Jongin’s one hundred eighty two centimeters. Yes, very dangerous. Plus, Jongin’s naturally friendly, maybe even too friendly according to Kyungsoo’s standards.

Kyungsoo tugs on Jongin’s sleeves, the taller male immediately wraps a possessive arm around his waist and leans down to kiss his cheek. Kyungsoo smirks at Baekhyun, ‘he’s mine, Byun’, he thinks. He swears he sees smoke come out of Baekhyun’s ears as the latter mumbles a quick ‘see you later’ to Jongin before running off in the other direction. Kyungsoo thinks the taller male doesn’t notice the whole exchange and proceeds to hug Jongin closer.

“Do Kyungsoo, stop scaring off my friends.”

The petite male freezes and pushes his boyfriend away, “I wasn’t doing anything!” he vehemently denies, puffing his cheeks. Jongin pinches him and Kyungsoo tries to swat his hand away, pretentious annoyance on his face but he couldn’t help the laugh from escaping his lips. He gives up, buries his head on the taller male’s chest and wraps his arms around the latter’s waist. Jongin laughs at his boyfriend’s actions but he holds the older male even tighter, Kyungsoo is really cute without the said male even noticing.

“Okay hyung, but you know, you don’t have anything to be jealous of right?”

The petite male glares, “But I’m not jealous! That’s impossible, Do Kyungsoo doesn’t get jealous. Besides what does Byun Baekhyun have that I don’t?” He looks down at his thighs and tries to get a good look at his own ass before he faces Jongin, a smirk on his lips, “Nothing.” He answers, expression smug. Jongin holds his laughter, keeping a blank face on, “You don’t have his sexy pelvic line.” Kyungsoo feels the blood drain from his face, what did Jongin mean by that?

Then all of a sudden, the taller male bursts in laughter and Kyungsoo looks so confused even if he’s glaring at Jongin. His eyebrows are scrunched up together, his full pink lips pouting, his eyes are even wider than usual and Jongin can’t help but place kisses all over his face. Kyungsoo tries to get away from his boyfriend’s hold but he’s weak against the younger’s lips and cuddles, not from strength of course, because he works out----if working out means vacuuming their medium sized apartment and dusting the furniture. Doesn’t sex count as a workout too? With Jongin as his boyfriend, he sure gets a lot of that. He suddenly feels shy at the thought.

Jongin holds his face between large hands, squishing his cheeks slightly before pecking him over and over on the lips. He sighs dreamily, and deepens the kiss even more. He feels Jongin suck on his lower lip before his tongue darts out to lick and Kyungsoo opens his mouth a little. The taller male tastes addicting, not exactly sweet but his mouth and tongue does wonders to Kyungsoo’s body. The smaller male doesn’t hesitate to lick around the other’s mouth either, his tongue caressing Jongin’s own. Their kisses are usually sweet but passionate, it never fails to take Kyungsoo’s breath away both literally and figuratively.

Jongin is the first to pull away, Kyungsoo following his mouth trying to lean for more but the taller’s hold on his face is gentle albeit firm. The younger male laughs softly, his forehead still leaning against Kyungsoo’s as his thumb draws circles on the smaller male’s cheeks. Jongin leans in for one more kiss and the older male takes the opportunity to suck and bite the younger’s lower lip catching it between his teeth as Jongin pulls away.

“Baekhyun hyung was just telling me about the dance club’s party on Saturday and he asked if I had a date.” At this, Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow, “And what did you say Kim Jongin?”

Jongin smile is boyishly handsome, ‘he’s the real predator’, Kyungsoo thinks as he swoons. He likes Jongin’s face quite a lot.

“That I’m bringing my gorgeously handsome boyfriend whom I love so dearly.” With that, Jongin stares into Kyungsoo’s eyes and the smaller male tiptoes to wrap his arms around the former’s neck, breathing in Jongin’s scent, a mix of his favorite Kilian cologne. A mix of woody, spicy and a hint of vanilla invades the smaller male’s nose and he kisses Jongin’s neck as he inhales.

They stay in each other’s arms for a few more minutes before Jongin pulls away, he runs his fingers through Kyungsoo’s hair and the latter blushes, a pretty pink coloring his cheeks. Jongin takes his scarf off and wraps it around Kyungsoo’s neck, half of the latter’s face covered and his round doe eyes look up at the taller male. Kyungsoo closes his eyes and leans up to peck his boyfriend’s cheek before smiling at him, long eyelashes fluttering open and Jongin feels his heart skip a beat.

Kyungsoo is so so beautiful.


“Don’t you think we should play a game?” A tall male with large ears speaks loudly, his deep voice booming even through the chaotic mess of dubstep and voices mixing inside the mansion.

Kyungsoo is sitting on the huge black leather couch, quietly watching Baekhyun who’s standing close beside Chanyeol and he tips his head a little to the side, amusement on his face.

“They’ve been dating for a month now, Soo.”

The petite male immediately whips his head to the side only to have his lips caught between Jongin’s own. Kyungsoo kisses back eagerly, not really caring that they’re in public for once. He feels Jongin pulling him on his lap and he obliges, adjusting his position so he’s sitting more facing Jongin than just sitting sideways. Kyungsoo’s arms wrap around Jongin’s neck when he feels the latter’s arms snaking around his waist, warm fingers slowly creeping inside his shirt.

“Okay we’ll play a game of pop the balloon with a twist!”

This time another male’s voice breaks them apart. Kyungsoo recognizes the voice and his heart starts beating faster, ‘Taemin’, the other's name on the older’s mouth. Taemin’s on the dance team, how could he forget? Taemin who’s after Jongin. Taemin who’s slim and pretty. Taemin who’s a really good dancer, probably as good as his boyfriend if not better.

Taemin, Lee Taemin---Jongin’s ex boyfriend.

Kyungsoo looks at Jongin and sees the taller male still staring at him, his lips curled up into a smile and his eyes staring right at the petite male’s own. Kyungsoo doesn’t have to worry about anything. Jongin is his boyfriend now, Jongin is his, Jongin loves him.

He hears Taemin’s voice again, “We’ll have someone sit in the middle and three people will each have a balloon.”

Baekhyun steps forward, his arms crossed over his chest, “And then what? Do we have to fight each other to sit on the person in the middle and pop the balloon?”

Kyungsoo sees Taemin smirk, the younger male turns around to look him directly in the eye, his expression challenging, “That and we do a body shot. No shirt on.” This time, Kyungsoo stands up without breaking eye contact, “Bring it on Lee.”

Jongin looks between the two males and sees Kyungsoo’s tightly clenched fists, he reaches out to hold the latter’s hand. The petite male’s fists relaxes, Jongin’s effect on him showing clearly. The taller male stands up, his hands on either side of the older’s shoulders and he turns Kyungsoo to face him, “We don’t have to join Soo.”

Taemin scoffs, “Oh come on Ni, that’s no fun! Kyungsoo wants some challenge in his life for once. Don’t you like your boys adventurous?”

Kyungsoo’s body tenses at the nickname and teasing statement, he looks at the taller male in front of him. Jongin is experimental in the bedroom, sure, but he always handles the smaller with care, unless Kyungsoo likes it rough then he goes rough.

He shakes his head, “It’s okay, baby. I got this.” He smirks and Jongin can see the twinkle in his eyes and he leans in to peck Kyungsoo on the lips, “This is all mine.” He whispers against Kyungsoo's ears, the gesture showing his possessiveness over the petite male to no specific person but clearly evident to everyone who’s looking at them.

Kyungsoo turns to face Taemin again and his lips curl up into a sweet smile, “Wouldn’t you like to know Taemin?” He replies to the previous question asked by Jongin’s ex. Taemin’s smile slips off of his face before he hurriedly grabs a balloon. Kyungsoo walks towards the pool of balloons to get himself his own. Another unsuspecting male is forced to grab a balloon and join the two males.

“Jongin, sit on the the chair in the middle,” Luhan, another member of the dance team and both Kyungsoo’s and Jongin’s friend gives out the rules, “You three,” he motions at Kyungsoo, Taemin and Jun, “I’ll count down to three and after I say ‘go’, you have to take a shot before spinning three times and run towards Jongin.”

Both Kyungsoo and Taemin nod eagerly.

“Ready, one, two, three and GO!”

Kyungsoo immediately downs a shot and spins three times before skipping towards his boyfriend, Taemin is hot on his toes. The other participant, Jun just shrugs and lets the two males go at it, shaking his head. Luhan pats him on the back, laughing.

“You can’t sit on my boyfriend Lee Taemin, never!”

“Just wait and see Do Kyungsoo, I’ll have Jongin by the end of the night,” Taemin thinks for a quick second before adding, “as well as his dick!”

Kyungsoo gasps, “You fucking twink! That dick is mine!” The petite male emphasizes.

Jongin laughs at the scene in front of him, Kyungsoo is so adorable when he’s mad. He looks absolutely scandalized by Taemin’s words. He stands up in between the two males to stop Kyungsoo from actually jumping on Taemin. Jongin’s back facing Kyungsoo’s to shield him from the blonde male, just in case Taemin decides to be the one to do the tackling.

“Jongin sit on the freaking chair and let me use his head to mop the floor! I fucking swear in the name of my perfect cleaning skills and hands, I will be able to make this filthy floor spotless in no time!”

Taemin looks like he’s about to faint, “You little midget, my hair’s the latest fad! Don’t hate just because you can’t pull it off.”

“I don’t want your stupid hairstyle that looks like a cross between a mop, a broom and a palm tree on my head!” Kyungsoo retaliates, and contemplates for a second, “and for your information, a midget is a hundred and forty seven centimeters tall. I’m a hundred and seventy three.” He holds up a one, seven and then three, tiptoeing behind Jongin to show Taemin, "One hundred and seventy three!", he repeats.

“You would know,” Taemin smirks, “anyway, I’m sure Jongin will get tired of the cute look, not that you’re cute,”Taemin looks at his fingers with a bored expression, “and find himself a more attractive boyfriend instead of,” he looks at Kyungsoo from head to toe, “a plain looking guy with short legs and huge bug eyes that creeps everybody out. Don’t get me started on your ass.”

Kyungsoo’s eyes widen, he’s not one to let things affect him just like that so he doesn’t know why his heart drops at Taemin’s comments. He’s tough and rarely cries but at that moment he feels his eyes start to tear up and he wills himself to calm down. The petite male clutches at Jongin’s sweatshirt from behind, his forehead leaning on the latter’s shoulder.

Jongin gives Taemin a hard look before defending the male hiding behind him, “Taemin, I don’t really care about your comments. I didn’t say anything earlier because I didn’t want to cause a scene and embarrass you. Kyungsoo is my boyfriend and he’s gorgeous and perfect. He’s cute but he can be sexy, fortunately only I get to see that side. He’s not plain looking, he’s simple but eye catching. His thighs are dangerously addicting and his eyes are so beautiful I want to drown myself just looking into them forever. His ass, which is technically considered mine, is more than fine---I would go over details but I don't think you would appreciate it. So please understand that Kyungsoo’s my only one and that’s how it’s going to stay.”

Taemin stays silent, his eyes drop to the floor before he turns around to leave. Kyungsoo feels the taller male turn around and a pair of strong arms wrap around his shoulders. The petite male buries his face into Jongin’s chest, inhaling the familiar scent that helps him calm down.

He speaks against the taller male’s shirt and Jongin slightly pulls away, Kyungsoo looks down, “Hey don’t misunderstand. I wasn’t jealous okay. Do Kyungsoo doesn’t get jealous.”

At this, Jongin laughs, relief flooding through his body. This Kyungsoo is definitely his Kyungsoo. “Okay Soo, you're not jealous. Got it.” The taller male says while staring down at the petite male in his arms. Jongin puts his pointer finger and thumb under Kyungsoo’s chin to tilt his head up before kissing him.

Jongin smiles through the kiss before mouthing, “I love you,” against Kyungsoo’s lips.

“Okay maybe I was a little jealous. Just a little. Around zero point two percent?”

“I guess now we don’t have a reason to do the body shot? I was kinda looking forward to that.”

“Only I can do that to you.”

“Are you sure you were only a little jealous, Soo?”

“Hey, Hyunsik is right over there, maybe he can give me a body shot!”

“Let’s go home and I’ll show you how it’s done Do Kyungsoo.”

a/n: what is this tbh. i'm sorry pie TT__TT

kyungsoo jonginkaisoo oneshot fluff roma

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