Major Trimming - a repeat post

Jul 18, 2005 22:22

Duh. I did some major trimming to my FL a few days ago and then posted the following... and made it Friends-only. Duh. That meant the people I trimmed couldn't even see it, and I didn't want to just cut people without an explanation! Sheesh. So I'm posting again and making this entry Public. I promise to add people back as soon as I can.

I have been swamped and haven't had time to keep up with my FL or much of anything else lately. I hate to do it, but I'm just gonna have to let LJ slide for awhile for the most part. I just did a major FL cut, but I'll try to keep up with everyone through BN and other communities! Please don't be insulted if I cut you. I have no self-discipline so I'd spend hours and hours reading everything everyone wrote and responding to a lot of it... and never getting anything done around this pigsty of a house. ;-)

If things ever settle down around here, I'll try to devote more time to LJ... but, right now, I have to get something accomplished in my RL before jbarbie23 has her baby! :-)
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