Jul 07, 2005 21:20
ok two funny stories...
i was sitting on my couch with sarah and radek. we were discusing what to do tonight and sarah was like we should go play basketball at joes like we did last time. (we sat out side sarahs car in lawn chairs and watched joe, clay and radek play).
sarah: it was so fun...what was it called what we were doing?
morgan: cheerleading?
sarah: no.
morgan: spectating?
sarah: no.
morgan: white trash? HAHAHAHHHAHAH!
sarah: no, that's not it, that wasn't complete until david got there.
sarah: oh, it's tailgating.
ok, it was really funny 5 minutes ago. sorry if that was a waste of time to read...
so last night, i was hanging out with sarah and radek AGAIN...anyway, we went to wendy's to get some food and sarah got a frosty. so when we got home, sarah redused to take her frosty and threw it out of the car. radek then threw it PREFECTLY on top of her car to make it come down the side of ther window...she opened her door..and the frosty came down on top of her!! IT WAS SO FUNNY. I ALMOST PISSED MY PANTS. MY STOMACH WAS CRAMPING I WAS LAUGHING SO HARD. really, it was so funny, i was almost on the ground. she got so mad though. the end.