i finally have a video workout to report... yay!
on tuesday i actually had time to workout, after 2 weeks of hardly having time to fit in anything....wheew!!
im paying the price for putting myself last... flab and weight gain :( so im glad that i finally got back in action again.
anyway, i did 'kickbox core cross train' with patricia moreno. i was really looking forward to this workout, yet did have some reservations because some people were saying that the workout is too easy. now, i know that im kind of de-conditioned but i did NOT think that this was easy! actually i thought that the workout was great, and clocking in at 80 mins long, does not put it in the beginner category. if you are looking for a high impact cardio workout, then look elsewhere. but if you are looking for kickbox drills, taught especially with the core in mind, and put into combos, then you are in the right place. despite not being 'cardio', my heart rate made it up to 85% of max, i burned 400 cals in an hour and had sore muscles all over my body this morning. (note that i did not do the entire workout... just 60 mins, leaving 20 mins for another day). also, i really like patricia. sure, she talks through the whole workout, but it is all very valuable info about proper form and some motivational stuff. when she cues, she does it very well. but she does not cue every single move, which can make a person a bit hesitant on the first run-through. i do think that she did this on purpose to facilitate repeated viewings (when you know the workout and dont need a bunch of cues for repetitive movements). anyway, i recommend this one and i am looking forward to getting this dvd out again.
i also walked with chinook yesterday for an hour which brought my total cal burn for the day up to 760! whoo-hoo! perhaps that hour walk made the video workout seem harder, i dunno. but i was thrilled to have had such a good workout day, and the endorphins were fabulous ;)
today (wednesday) i took my sore bod out for a walk with the dog for an hour (300 cals)... i started out well but was dragging my butt by the end. i had to drink a couple of coffees and take pain meds to get rid of the muscle aches, but by noon i was feeling great and was able to get a bunch of housework done. i wanted to do another video workout today, but i didnt fit it in :/ oh well, thats ok... i will ensure that i do one after walking the dog tomorrow.
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