Dave Zimmerman recommended me for a staged-reading directing gig at _gaia, that women's center/studio thing (not exactly sure what it is) in Hoboken near Doug's old apartment--Stacy did a lot of stuff there. The woman who's running it is going to call me on Saturday to discuss details--I'll be at the RenFaire all that day so thank God for cell phones! Seriously, whatever did we do without them? She emailed me to say "feel free to pick a play"--except that I don't know the parameters. Any play? Does it have to be all female? How long? Are actors auditioning or can I use my own actors? I wouldn't mind doing a reading of Agnes of God--I've directed it already but it's such a rich play, I could certainly mine that vein again. The reading goes up in mid-October.
Also tonight I'm auditioning for a reading--
Jason Kendall, the husband of Donna, for whom I did the Shakespearean cabaret in May, produces "Shakespeare Saturdays," a series of readings of Shakespeare plays up at the Inwood branch of the library. I think the deal is, two rehearsals and then the reading, so the time commitment is minimal. They're doing The Merchant of Venice and The Winter's Tale this time--the thing is, they're really trying to target minority actors. I got an email about it and then Jason emailed me personally, saying "Did you get the audition notice?" I said yes--I'd like to audition but I'm not exactly a minority. He said "In my mind you are--a woman with talent, humor and intelligence." So I'm going to that tonight--trying to figure out if I should do "These are the forgeries of jealousy..." or "Gallop apace..." from Romeo and Juliet. I would do one of Puck's monologues but there are no roles in either of those two plays that are Puck-ish--I'm shooting for Portia or Hermione/Perdita.
Such a lovely day! New York is the best in the fall.