Jun 05, 2006 12:29
I am exhausted this morning, because I was jerked out of a dead sleep by the sound of a very angry Tatiana growling at her little brother. This has happened several times over the past couple of days (i.e., catfights in the middle of the night). I spoke sharply to them, Tibby ran off, then I coaxed Tatia over to me and stroked her and gave her lots of love until she was purring and happy. The incident ruined my sleep for the rest of the night; I kept waking up and stroking Tatia again, to make her purr so she wouldn't freak out if Tibby was near. My heart was racing, and still is, as though I'd taken too much NoDoz.
I've started Tatia on some behavioral medication to calm her down. It's supposed to have a similar effect as Paxil or Zoloft, but the vet said it takes a few weeks to really enter her system. I started it last Monday so I hope she'll start to be nicer soon. Just giving her the medication is a trial--I am not very good at giving pills to cats, especially cats who are already angry about their living situation.
I'm so tired. I just feel weird and woozy.