And things are shaping up to get even more busy.. Here is what is going on these days...
This weekend... Tomorrow morning I am off to Swan Island in order to watch day one of the Team Oregon Basic Rider Training range session. I want to remember what all happens before my Instructor Prep class in two weeks. I haven't really been out on the range since last summer/fall when I did the required class audits. I feel the need to refresh my memory. After that, depending on timing, I may join
macavite on a motorcycle ride. He has a friend who wants one and I hope to tag along.
inigo42 and I are off to the barn for pre-horse show prep. Practice dressage, maybe some small jumps and then bath and clip Captain and clean/organize tack. I'll have to bath Captain again next week but we can get the first layer of dust off.
Over the week there will be three more trips to the barn...the usual Wednesday night gaming session and a Halloween planning/prep session. It is says something about our life that Mac and I have to put that time on our calender.
On the 18th is the Lake Oswego Derby Show. Captain and I will be competing in the "Trot-a-Trail" division (walk/trot dressage test, 6 inch jumping course and a simple trail with no jumps cross country course) as well as the Beginning Novice division (walk/trot/canter dressage test, 2'-2'3" jumping course and real cross country fences that are up to 2'7"). It will be Captain's first time really jumping but he has done well over the few practice fences I have been able to make at barns without real jumps. It may not be pretty but it should be fun and really, that is all that matters. That reminds me, I should try to get out to LOH this weekend and check out the new course, apparently they have a brand new set up. Once I have official times for this (should be posted July 16th) I will let folks know if anyone wants to come cheer/laugh with me.
On the 18th we are also hosting our first Movie Night in months. As Mac says, "Grab your fedoras." We'll be watching "Brick" and "The
Maltese Falcon" Movie #1 will start sometime around 7:00pm and Movie #2 will start sometime around 10:00pm. Doors open around 4 pm (or earlier if you call mac first) if you want to come over early and hang out.
On the 19th I am back out to Swan Island to watch day two of the Team Oregon course. I also have to finish up my pre class homework so that I can mail it in on the 20th.
25/26 I am off to the Team Oregon Instructor Prep class. I am really hoping it goes well. It should be lots of fun regardless though.
The first weekend of August I am free (for now), mac is teaching. I am hoping I can get a class in this weekend too but I have no idea how realistic that is.
August 8/9 we have some friends from the east coast visiting. Dinner plans with them on Friday. Other friends from Seattle will be down Saturday and have requested another gaming party. So look forward to invites for that shindig.
August 15/16 mac and I are planning a redo of the two day motorcycle ride that we tried over Memorial weekend. The redo was originally scheduled for the 25/26 but Team Oregon took that weekend from me. (Welcome to TO says Mac.) This time we are inviting friends to join us for both days or just the first day if they are so inclined.
August 29/30 has nothing on the calender but I see a lot of Dragoncon prep coming up. We leave on Sept 2nd and really we haven't done a thing costume-wise yet to prepare. we might need to put some time for that on the calender too. We return from D*C on the 8th. It should be a great week of fun.
There we are.. September now. A couple of free weekends..but we know those won't last long.
And because mac asked.. I love him very very very very very very very very very much...(See I am journalling how much I love you *smooches*)