Oct 06, 2004 18:11
Right...so in the ROAR ANGERRRR of my last entry, which most of you cant read because it's a superspecial friends group, I forgot about the HAPPY!
Ashely came over and we watched Eddie Izzard (I dont believe that religions are religions at all...They're philosophies with some good ideas and some FOOKIN' weird ones!) Yeah, so that was good. And then we hung out in my room and she was looking a SHAPE magazine which was on my floor and we kinda sat there hating it and the way it portrays women....Then she told be how she felt bad for Adam Stander becuse he janitors sometimes after school and some times he has to empty the little box that you put used pads and such in and how it's gross and ew, so I decided that I'm going to take a pad (a clean one...) and write "HIIIII ADAM!" on it and stick in on the inside of one of the boxes. Hehehe.
Biznitch! Ms Morrison finally gave me my vocab test and Bean Trees in class essay back...100 and an 85 w00t!
PS: Mike Guilmette, look at the new name of my journal.