May 29, 2005 18:15
i feel like updating, but i don't really have much to say. last night austin had a party which had a keg, a fire, and a bunch of people. it was a great night to have it, but some people shouldn't have come. there was a fight, a broken nose, jaw, stiches, the whole nine yards, and now there are police charges and a warrant for an arrest-maybe two..who knows. yeah it was crazy, good fight...but crazy.
i bonded with my roommate the other night and i am soo pumped about rooming with her. we are both going to rush the same sorority and we are just alike. we both hang dry our clothes and that alone was enough to get me hooked. haha
i went to lunch with my grandmother and step grandfather (haha) and it was a lot of fun surprisingly...we never used to have fun, it was always boring it seemed like, but this time it was fun. she gave me my graduation present which was $200...and i was soo pumped!!! we talked about everything and it seemed like we hadn't talked in years..i definitely want to do it again as dorky as that sounds..but it was really a lot of fun.
that "how dirty boys get clean" commercial is my favorite..well besides the one with the elephant dancing in the woods. has anyone seen that commercial with the mexican song in the background. no the boy isn't cute, yes there are sweaty, nasty mexicans chasing him, and an ugly girl in the end..but if you get the chance you should listen to the song in the background. its in spanish so you can't understand the words..but i think its like the cops song. "bad boys, bad boys. whatcha gonna do? whatcha gonna do when they come for you." its great!!!
its almost 2 days until graduation!!!!!
love ya mean it!