Jul 15, 2007 09:21
Yay, I can actually update before work. Hmm, well first off I guess, has anyone had the chance to see a show called Code Monkeys? It comes on G4 and I thought the previews for it looked kinda stupid. But once I watched it, I couldn't stop laughing. It's basically a show about videogame designers and looks like a 2d game. References to past games can be found pretty much anywhere in the show and it just adds to the humor. I love it. ^^;;
Right now my sister is getting packed up to go back to the army or something to do with the army I guess you could say. She's going back to Iraq, but she won't be doing the same stuff she did last time. Last time she was out and about with the crazy people over there, this time I don't think she'll be anywhere near it, so that's a relief. I'll worry now and then though if she's alright. =/
A few other things go on in life but I won't mention them here. Lets just say quite a few things disturb me at the moment. I'm sure they'll blow over though. Time will tell.
Now for gaming news.....not much really. XD I watched my friend Vincent play Fatal Frame 2 yesterday and it got me interested in playing it. I'll have to start with the first one and it'll probably be added to the list of games I haven't finished yet. I did however finish Super Paper Mario. Great game. I love Dimentio. Deffinately was my fav character in the game.....besides the nerd. Francis I think was his name. XD That was the best part in the game. I've been playing Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Battle Revolution off and on and I'm still on wifi with it if anyone wants my friend code. I'm also back to Resident Evil 4 and progessing with my LARGE number of deaths and saves. XD I so suck at that game. I can't wait for Umbrella Cronicles though. ^.^ Though playing with the zapper.....that thing looks weird. >.> (the zapper was shown at E3) Gotta go. Had alot more gaming talk than I thought. XD I'll have to update more later I guess. Bye now~!