Gaming news~!

Jan 17, 2007 20:37

Because I don't really have any other news. >.> Working and gaming. That's the life I live. Sad....but hey, someone has got to do it.........I guess.

Justice For All!!!! - I picked up Phoenix Wright today and just played enough to get into it. Feels natural since they really haven't changed too much. I was dissapointed to read that unlike the last game, there's no extra case in this one to use the DS features. Ah well, can't have it all I guess, but that means I could've imported this weeks ago. >.> Not bad though, I already screwed up the first case though. I hate when I know what they're lying about, but I don't know exactly what to present but once I find it I'm like "DUH!" Last but not least, I got my finger stylus. While it's cool, I hate to make a bad pun, but it's not really doing "justice" for me. >.> It's so small!!!! at least the part where you hold it is. I was getting more annoyed at the stylus than I do at games. At least I can put this cool strap on my ds. ^^;;

It's a Wii! WARIO!!!!! HAHAHA - Says wario when I booted up Warioware Smooth Moves. I haven't laughed at a game in awhile. Maybe I'm just entertained easy, but I was having fun with it. XD I loved how wacky some of the games could be and this one doesn't disappoint. Though I do look kinda funny playing some of the games. o.O Like pumping the balloon and making it explode, or the one where you have to run in a race to the finishline. >.> This game seems like it's missing more of what was in the DS. Sure the play room had a few useless things, but there was alot of stuff to fool around with. This game doesn't seem to have that unless I'm missing it. (I've got all the characters, now I'm working on that elephant tower) Still love ashley. @.@ She's my deffinate fav. But I've grown to like Kat and Ana now too. They're so cute, and I laughed so hard when Ana got carried away by the demon. XD

Other than that, not so exciting to people, I got the new yu-gi-oh game for ds. Still love the game, and it helps that now you can finally play on wifi, though I've heard losers tend to disconnect when losing so I'm not really looking foward to it. I've also decided to start over Final Fantasy III and XII since I don't train enough then get myself stuck. x.x Must not rush through games!

That pretty much wraps it up. *thinks* I don't think anything else has to be said. Not for now anyway. Now too........well, it's either defend for great justice or look like a fool flailing my arm around. I think I'm feeling like a fool. >.> *boots up the wii*

gaming, objection!!!, warioware, phoenix wright

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