Dec 14, 2005 22:23
Found this from a random VHer's journal.
1. What does your LJ nickname mean? ceddiebear is from Cedric Diggory from HP. Though there was a name called "Ceddy Bear" but then I just modified it a bit
2. Elaborate on your icon photo? One is an old MSN pic thingy of me. (done by sir Ciciero), One is From Vertex, which is a YinYang charm. ^^ And one is from the Griffin and Sabine Series by Nick Bantock. "You were right, the wine glass has more impact than the cup."
3. Did you lie about your age anywhere on the net? nope. 15 through and through.
4. How many LJ friends do you have? 20
5. What is your current status? Uhm... single. Not taking anyone yet.
6. What are you wearing right now? white shirt and lavender shorts
7. What is life to you? Life is just a story in which you can be the author of the world.
8. What is love? Love is all around us. It doesn't just happen in couples.
9. What kind of people do you hate most? People who are obssessed with comformity and poserness. And also people who physically bully the weak.
10. What type of people do you like most? People with humor and people who are very much comfy with themselves.
11. What makes you happy? Feeling calm. Some self-time. Being with company.
12. Are you musically inclined? I can sing.
13. What would you do if you woke up one morning and found out that the person you love most didn't exist or was killed? then... what's life then... without all the people you love.
14. If you could go back in time and change ONE thing, what would you change? My time with my first caretaker... in which almost caused me autism.
15. If you MUST be an animal for ONE day, what will you be? A Cat.
16. Ever had a near death experience? I'll gome back to you when I have one.
17. Name ONE obvious personality quality you have. Artsyness and sweetnessness
18. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now? Across the Universe. Somehow old songs are just the most memorable.
19. Are you happy today? Partially.
20. Who will cut and paste this first? I'm not sure.
Anyways, Christmas time will come soon. Though I feel like I wanted to swim in art. And I'm trying to give a lot of stuff lately. Snail mail, anybody? Anyways, i've been busy lately with stuffs in school and won't be truly active until friday. I was wishing to go to this amusement park, Star City. But I have to think of who to come... it's been a small time since life has been weird. but I'll try updating friday.
Crying Ladies was funny, I admit. We watched it for this Filipino movie review assignment, and it's about 3 women with different agendas who were hired to cry (dramatically) at a Chinese man's wake. It was very hillarious, but at the same time, you have to feel sorry for them. They lived in hardships and all. Though I have long tests too tomorrow... and on friday is the party.
And I was wishing if peoples still love going to Star City than Enchanted Kingdom. Since EK's more of a classy theme park than Star city (which is more of this amusement park)
Good night all, I must slumber.