Snuffles, Ducks and Squeaks

Dec 16, 2011 01:05

From The Book of Awakening: Having the Life You Want by Being Present to the Life You Have.

It's hard to tell the truth, but once told, it's
hard to keep it back.
--Sharon Green

All the while, the power of being hidden keeps us from the vitality of living, and so the healing value of telling the truth is in how it returns us to the pulse of what is sacred

Wednesday 14th
I haven't been well. Mir told me yesterday that I'm always sick, and I couldn't really argue the fact. I often am - even if it's only with a headache...or with the snuffles. Those snuffles runs in the family I'm afraid. My mum gave me that little gem. Whatever it is, dust allergies or something means that I'm often sneezing, which means that my sinuses suffer... *shrug* I can't do more than live with that. Other things, I don't know really. I guess I don't consider it - if I'm well or not, I mean. I don't feel I'm /always/ sick, but then I guess I don't mention feeling well, and I do say when I'm /not/ feeling well? I don't know. I mean I don't want to keep it hidden when I'm not feeling on top form, but I also don't want to make anyone worry - and it concerns me that I'm maybe worrying Mir with the amount of times I say I don't feel well. I know I worry about Mir if she says she doesn't feel good. Either way, right now I am sick. I don't know whether it's because it's a new country, and different children, but I have a nasty cold right at the moment - the one that's doing the rounds of the school. I'm drinking lots of juice, and eating lots of fruit to get vitamin C in the hope of getting rid of it quickly.

I mentioned yesterday, also, that I should give some thoughts to my wishes for the returning light time of the year. I'm hoping that one of the things that returns with the light in this upcoming seasonal change is my clarity and my ability to be clear to others. It's quite upsetting that I'm not being understood - and I know I only have myself to blame for it, if blame is the right word - no one else can do it for me after all. So that is one of my biggest wishes and biggest goals for change: Understanding and being clear so I will be understood.

Last year it was 'big ducks' this year it's 'big squeaks' but we're almost down to one 'big squeak' before I will be flying home to spend time with Mir, (and with Christopher - from whom 'big squeak' came, and the other rats), and my family there. I am very much counting the days - the hours even. I'm very excited about being able to spend time with Mir, and it being Christmas time she will have time off from work and we can spend our time together. I can't even begin to say how much I am looking forward to doing that - the thought of it just puts the biggest smile on my face. So just 8 more big ducks - one big squeak and I'll be travelling. Let the countdown begin!

awakening, self, life

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